Monday, December 22, 2014

Five Terrible Christmast Specials

5. Pinocchio's Christmas

This special is by the good people who brought you the classic animated specials, Rankin-Bass. So if you're assuming it's not a cash-in on Disney's Pinocchio, but with terrible songs and a totally nonsensical plot, you'd be wrong. The clip above should prove that beyond a reasonable doubt but for the truly hearty, the whole movie is available below. You've been warned.

4. Christmas Story 2

Another terrible cash-in on a classic. It has none of the original cast, humor, warmth, or Christmas spirit. It does have Daniel Stern though.

3. Grandma got run over by a Reindeer

What if annoying Christmas-novelty songs got their own special? Wonder no more, this exists! Not only does Grandma get run over, but a big business, lawsuits, and amnesia play a crucial element. Just like the great stories of Christmas past.

2. The Star Wars Holiday Special

The special so bad that George Lucas, creator of Jar Jar Binks, has disavowed all knowledge of it, and has attempted to buy every existing copy so it can never be seen again. Thankfully (?), the internet exists so it's not gonna vanish.

1. The Christmas Tree Or watch the Nostalgia Critic destroy it, because DAMN this is the worst in every way. The animation, the acting, the plot, the terrible tacked on 'message'. Jesus, we're sorry for having this have anything to do with your birthday. Forgive us.

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