Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Media blitzkreig

So, some more trailers have dropped; notably, Spider-Man Homecoming and Baywatch.
Both have lots of red spandex.

There's a bunch of others that I haven't mentioned like Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Transformers 5, and The Justice League.

To be frank, at the time of writing, I haven't even seen the trailer for Justice League. There's just so much coming out, it's actually overwhelmed me. I have officially reached the point where I'll just wait to see a trailer in front of whatever youtube media I'm catching up on.

And that's just 2-5 minute trailers overwhelming me. I still haven't seen Kong Skull Island, and it has a bunch of my favorite actors in it. I never ended up seeing Kubo and the Two Strings, Hidden Figures, or La La Land.
I did see this, though. Neat!

Partly I can blame 12 Angry Jurors since many of my nights have been taken up by assistant directing. I have a pretty long vacation coming, and my father in law has Netflix. Maybe it's finally time to catch up on some backlog.

I'm also quickly running out of Law and Order SVU and Devil is a Part Timer episodes. What combo of drama/anime to tackle next...

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