Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ashkia or Ashia?

I’ve had two strange dreams. Nightmares. Not sure what to make of them.

In the first one I was being stalked by a grudge-like Japanese ghost demon lady, called either Ashkia (aaaahhh-ski-uh) or Ashia (aaaahhh-shee-uh). 

I don’t remember much, but I had to let the thing come to me for 7 days, where it would rip off a piece of my soul while being generally creepy, then at the end pass the curse on to someone else or get killed. I did so and forgot all about it.

Then this week, in my dreams a little girl (again Japanese) come by my house, dropped a blue rubber ball, smiled at me (clearly an evil, taunting smile), whispered “Ashkia (or Ashia)” and left. I was angry: I just got rid of the curse, why was it back?

This time it was different. The demon ghost lady was an American teen girl. She spoke to me almost normally at times, but taunted me when I was too weak banish a random ghost head, still ripping away pieces of my soul. At the end of this dream one 'soul rip' had happened, and I had led her to my room to try and figure out how to help her, so she would move on. In the dream I was only a little older than the girl, and my bedroom was still arranged like it was in high school.

I recently watched a video about Japanese urban myths, so I’m not clueless about where the imagery came from. There were a lot of recurring dream demons in the 40 or so legends. 

What’s weird is I’m sure I’ve heard the name, Ashkia or Ashia, somewhere before. I thought it was from a World of Darkness RPG or Magic the Gathering, but my husband couldn’t identify it.

If I didn’t hear that name anywhere, I guess I could have conjured it from thin air. But I really think I’ve heard it elsewhere. Any thoughts, readers?

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