Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hey a movie! Yeah, it's gonna be Terrific, starring everybody...

And me!
It's not 100% sure yet, but in the next few weeks, I'm probably starring in a small independandant horror flick! :D

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't be Afraid of the Dark (NO spoilers)

Be freakin' terrified. Or at least, mildly disconcerted.
DbAotD isn't as good as Insidious, but that's a rather high bar to set it againt. It's dark, chilling, and doesn't overuse 'jump' scares. The effects are good, and it's VERY atmouspheric. The actors are passable, espiecally Katie Holms as Sally.

If you enjoyed Del Torros 'Pan's Laberynth', you'll like this. It's dark Fairie Tale motiff is similar, but a lot less confusing. I'd reccomend it for viewing, but I'm not sure about purchase.

One small note: it's a remake of a 1973 ABC TV movie. I was completly unaware of this going in. I've been told the original is better in some ways, so I'm gonna seek that out in the future.