Friday, June 13, 2014

Five funny animal gifs

Happy friday!

5. Synchronized cats
Just looking at a thing in a bag--ASDFKSIJICK!!!

4. Horsin' around

3. Something's fishy


1. Traffic Jam

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Five Unexpected Pleasures

     Five things I never thought I'd enjoy. Pleasant surprises for all!

5. Mushrooms
     The fungus among us. Yummy, yummy fungus. Aside from bacon, the only pizza topping I like.
That includes you, you lousy excuse for a pepper and lousier for a banana.

It probably started with Portabellos, as many good things do. It's a plant that tastes like steak! :D What's not to love?!

4. Bob's Burgers
     No, not an actual burger. The surprisingly good cartoon. It has a money-wild kid played by Cheryl Wazzername. That's good enough for me. But the dad is also Archer. C'mon!
And don't get me started on the awesome awkwardness that is Tina.


    So in short, much better than it looks.

3. Shrek the Musical
     When I first heard Shrek was going to be a musical, I was dumbfounded. "This is gonna suck! There's no way this can be any good!"

I was wrong.

     In fact, Bahamute and I are currently in a production of the show (Lord Farquuad and Dragon respectively. I get to kill him!).  Buy the soundtrack. BUY IT.

2. Ticket to Ride
    Monopoly meets trains. It sounds like the worst thing ever. But this board game is fast paced and fun. I turned into an evil railroad baron in about five minutes. Plus there's several different versions. America, Europe, Asia: see the world!
More fun than it looks. I promise!

1. Writing this blog
     At the start, I thought this would be an occasional pleasure. But doing one every weekday (minus holidays and such) has really been fun. :D

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I hate Marvel

For anyone who hasn't heard (though I'm writing this as it happens, so most people will know by the time it's posted), Edgar Wright, the genius behind Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End, has left the Ant-Man project.  Marvel says the split was 'amiable' but I think that's a bunch of crap.

I'm part of a very small group of fans that gives a crap about Ant-Man. Edgar Wright co-wrote the script, and has been trying to get this movie made since 2006. I have waited almost ten years for this movie, whose 2015 premier date has not been changed to accommodate this.


Marvel STOLE something I've been waiting for for eight years. They STOLE eight years of excitement and turned it into hate. THAT'S NOT FAIR. I want my Wright helmed Ant-Man. I don't want a TV Tropes 'What Could Have Been' page about how great Wright's original vision was that the studio ruined. I WANT MY MOVIE.

I don't care what Wright wanted to do that Marvel objected to, or how dumb/expensive/weird/destructive it sounded. His record stands for itself: It was going to be good.

What little chance the movie had of succeeding is gone. If it's a success it's going to be in spite of this loss, not because of it. But it won't. We're gong to get another Hulk: a character that can't sustain a movie by itself.

I know I'm just ranting. I don't care. I'm mad and I'm gonna rant. I get to be mad about this.

I don't want to give Marvel my money to see this movie, but I'm weak. They'll probably get my money.

I'm so tired to being told I'm getting a specific movie and getting something different. The Guillermo Del Toro Hobbit. Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash. A Batman  movie with Harley Quinn. Sean Connery at Morpheus in The Matrix. Ghostbusters 3 (I blame that on Bill Murray, not the late Harold Ramis btw).  A SANDMAN MOVIE. EVER.

Stop teasing me. Do something or don't. Don't halfway write a movie or cast it, release information prematurely and change it. If I had never heard about this movie or Wright being the director, then I wouldn't care about these changes.

I hate marvel of the information age.


A new director has been chosen (I knew this blog would take a while to be published). It's a man named Peyton Reed. His most recent movie was Yes Man with Jim Carrey.

The problem, besides him not being Wright for the project? He developed those horrible Fantastic Four movies that are now being rebooted. WHY THE FUCK IS MARVEL HANDING HIM ANOTHER PROJECT TO FUCK UP?! WHY?!


Peyton developed A treatment for Fantastic Four. It might not have been THE treatment the terrible movies got. But in the words of Yul Brenner "This doesn't mean that I like you."

Prove yourself, Reed. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Five Migraine Symptoms Besides Pain

     Since I'm pretty sure I'm about to get a migraine based on my morning, I looked up some symptoms. I had no idea migraines even had common symptoms! I've been getting these since puberty, but less regularly than before. Here's hoping they'll be this predictable in the future:

5. Diarrhea
     Self explanatory, but who knew the digestive tract could be linked to head pain? Smarter people than I.

4. Thirst
     I try to keep properly hydrated, but this one is kicking my butt.

3. Loss of Appetite
     I don't mind this one, but other's might. Like this poor woman who can't eat her...beans on toast, what the hell? She's not suffering, she's just British!

2. Difficulty remembering or saying a word
     So, my mother is just constantly having a migraine. That explains a lot.
Or playing this.

1. Auditory Hallucinations
     This is a new one on me, but I'll keep you posted. So far, only happening when I'm waking up and when I'm alone at work. So far.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Some Strange Things Been Happenin' to Me

(With apologies to Randy Newman)

     I don't know if it's the heat or something in the water, but both I and my husband have been having...odd nights lately. Get your heads out of the gutter, it's not a sex thing. No am I pregnant.

I typed 'Not Sexy' into Google and this came up.

     For the past two mornings (as of this writing) my husband has been talking in his sleep. It's not wholly unexpected: when we were dating he'd sometimes fall asleep on the phone and it'd take me a while to catch on. It'd go something like this:

Me: So I  blach blah blah blah...
Him: (Weird little voice) ...Yeah?
Me: Honey, are you asleep?
Him: (Still in the voice) ...Yeah.
Me: Okay, go to bed sweetie.
Him: 'Kay.
Me: I love you, okay?
Him: ...Luff you...

     And the next day he'd call and ask when we had a ten minute conversation he didn't remember. This  went away once he moved in.

Or so I thought.

Two mornings ago he sits up in bed (I was getting out for work) and says "You know it was a dragon!"
"A dragon!"
"What dragon?"
"....I think I may be getting dreams confused with awake."
"Yeah, me too."
And he fell back asleep.

This morning it was:
"A different kind of bug!"
I woke up. "Whaa?"
"Like a VA bug! (I assume he meant VW Bug)."
"Honey, what are you talking about?"
But he was already back asleep.

     It didn't help that after that I started having auditory hallucinations and waking dreams. Dreams that someone rang the phone (that may have been real) and he said my name (not real, since he was next to me in bed). Dreams of getting up and getting ready for work, several times over. There were others, but I've already forgotten them.

     Not sure if it was something we ate or what, but if anything new happens before this gets posted, I'll edit it. I'm not scared or anything, just a bit weird ed out.


I was having a silent migraine. No idea what his issue was.