Friday, June 23, 2017

Five Funny Friday Videos

Happy Friday!

First, Markiplier screaming (always a classic):

A theory on how Moana should have ended (spoilers!):

A peek at Mrs. Beakley in the new Duck Tales:

Liz Lemon explains a snart:

And CollegeHumor gives us a recipe:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Round Down

Okay, a lot's happening in pop culture, and we've got limited time, so let's get down to business!

If you don't get why I added this, I feel sad for you.

As of earlier this week, it's 42 years of Jaws! Here are some important life lessons to take from the film:

Also, Wonder Woman is kicking ass, both in-universe and at the box office. And no, Gal Gadot, didn't make 1/46th of what Henry Cavill made for playing Superman. Here are more memes!

And lastly (because work starts soon, and I don't want to talk about sad things today) Bruce Campbell turns 59 today! If you haven't, go watch him in everything you can. Trust me, it's worth your time.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The IT Spot: Rereading, part 18

So, we finally see Big Bill rediscover his roots (or at least unearth a few more). This is another situation where the mini-series is 100% wrong, so...


Bill doesn't even SEE IT, despite calling down into a sewer. He talks to a few kids, and finds/buys his old bike, Silver.

There's a really great segment when Bill is warning a few kids away from the unsafe bits of Derry where a child describes another kid's IT sighting: he saw a gigantic shark fin, 8-9 feet tall, in the local river, and nearly got eaten by a megalodon-sized Jaws.

It's another in the long-line of Universal movie monsters that IT has taken the shape of: We've had Jaws, the mummy, the creature from the black lagoon, and the werewolf. I love that classic and modern horror are embraced by both King and IT.

Bill finding Silver triggers a very important line: "He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts." Bill doesn't yet recall that this phrase was a vocal exercise that he consistently failed, except at one key moment of his childhood.

But more on that later.

Next time, more with Derry's favorite historian, Mike Hanlon.

On a side note, 42 years of Jaws! Hooray! Enjoy this video about all the deaths across the 4 movies:

Monday, June 19, 2017

The IT Spot: Rereading, part 17

So, after a short hiatus, we return to the IT Spot. And what a return it is! It's Ritchie's turn to meet IT.


In a total departure from the mini-series (remember, they basically stole Ben's plot) Ritchie wanders the town aimlessly for a while. He is still in denial about his first childhood experience with IT, but the river is about to leave Egypt.

In Derry there is a statue of Paul Bunyan. Nevermind that Tall Paul (He's-a my all) is from Michigan, not Maine. We have a similar statue that I spotted while on vacation in Historic Mackinac City:

It's about the right size, but Derry's Paul is standing, and holding a gigantic ax.

You see where this is going.

After nearly getting killed by Henry Bowers and co, Ritchie escapes to Paul's park, daydreaming about a rock-n-roll concert. He 'falls asleep' (no, he doesn't) and sees Paul attack, barely escaping with his life. As an adult, the scenario replays itself, with a gigantic Pennywise speaking to him. Ritchie gets away again, doing an (unfortunately racist) voice until IT resumes the statue form. Once again, IT threatens and cajoles.

Untile the other encounters, IT lands a blow: IT makes Ritchie's eyes hurt, threatening to blind him, give him cancer, etc. There is one telling line, where Ritchie observes IT's finger is 'as big as a beam.'

My fellow Dark Tower fans know Beams are a big deal in King World. IT's main adversary, the Turtle, is a beam guardian, and an influencer of the Losers' club/Ka-Tet. I'm not sure if IT caught Ritchie's thought and put an end to it before the Turtle's specter could be called up, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Next time, Bill sees a ghost.