Friday, May 30, 2014

Five Awesome (Fake) Trailers

     These are fan trailers, recuts, and a whole bunch of other stuff that looked cool. Happy Friday!

5. E.T. 2

4. Scary Mary

3. The Legend of Zelda

2. Thundercats

1. Jaws: Resurface

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Five Movies I'm Gonna Watch (I swear)

They're ones I own or are in my Netflix queue. I'm gonna watch them. Soon. Promise.


PLOT: Harvey Milk, first openly gay politician. Is the...mayor of San Francisco? He gets shot in the end. Sad. Dramatic.

WHY: Need to see it so I can understand the history. I'm not a good straight ally until I do. That's why I bought it...several years ago.

STARRING: The angry guy who married Madonna.

4. Dracula (Legacy Collection)

PLOT: Well, I read the book, so I'm well versed here. Vampire traps men, seduces women, and it's awesome.

WHY: I bought the friggan' legacy collection in the last days of Borders. I'm watching these movies!

STARRING: Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee (in the other DVDs in the collection I bought), but not Willam DaFoe. Sadness.

3.  Mud

PLOT: A guy named Mud talks to some kids with his shirt off, but not in a molesty way. I hope. May have something to do with fishing, the south, deadbeat dads, or actual mud.

WHY: It won a lot of awards. I like the cast.

STARRING: The poor man's Owen Wilson.

2. Bad Boys

PLOT: Cops shoot bad guys and make quips.

WHY: I really like Hot Fuzz, and they really liked Bad Boys 2.

STARRING: Will Smith (from one of my favorite shows!) and Martin Lawrence (whose show I hated with a fiery passion. He lives to the sequel, but maybe he'll get shot).

1. American Psycho

PLOT: Christian Bale-man murders people in a suit and clear poncho. With an axe.

WHY: Did you not see my understanding of the plot?

STARRING: Christian Bale and some dead people.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Godzilla (SPOILERS)

     My experience with Godzilla has been limited to MST3K riffing the especially bad movies, and the 1998 abomination. But all that's changed: America put the God back in Godzilla!



     So anyway, a good summer blockbuster in the vein of Jaws. They reserve showing the monster until about an hour in, and the buildup is great. There have been complaints about cutting away from Godzilla to show the protagonist more, but its less about Transformers-style 'screw the interesting creature, watch this doofus!' and more about atmosphere.

     The marketing was BRILLIANT. Bryan Cranston isn't the main character, and I don't even mind. The MUTAs being the real bad guys, while Godzilla is a people-avoiding anti-hero? Awesome choice? ATOMIC BREATH MAKES A COMEBACK AND HE FRIES THE FEMUTA WITH A LASERBLAST DOWN HER THROAT?!???!!! WIN! WIN! WIN!
Just go die already.

     I loved it. Loved it, loved every minute of it. And guess what? That's right: SEQUEL BITCHES! I'm as happy as a jump roping dog.

    Okay, I do realize how wrong this could go. The only hope is for the creative team to stick together and keep the movie characters rational and reasonable.  Oh, you want to take a train with a nuke to your family?! TOO BA--Oh, wait, your an expert and have the exact skills we need to successfully complete the mission? Okay, sure, go. OH, you don't like the bomb plan, huh?! Well, do you have any suggestions? I'd like to hear them if so, because you're the expert scientist. We just want to save as many lives as possible.

     All real things, all awesome. Go go Godzilla!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2014 Motor City Comic Con!

     After my disapointing visit to the 2013 MCCC, I wasn't sure I'd return this year. But Chris Sarandon and Jason David Frank were there. So yeah. I was in.
It's Morphin' (into an incredibly positive and fun celebrity that reminded me of my prepubescent crush) time! AYAH!
     Sadly, Ken Page wasn't there Sunday when Bahamute and I went. My CATS vhs will remain unsigned.

     Bahamute cosplayed as Lobo, of DC fame. A good 13+ people shouted him out. Success!

I went as Nina Tucker and was mistaken for Lobo's Pit Bull. Boo. Maybe at the next anime con.
Not including the actual photo of me. This is close enough.

    Wow, I never saw the actual photo of myself until just before blogging this. All desire to talk about the improved management has fled. I'm overweight, but good GOD.

Okay, just need to focus on the positive. Picked up some cool art. Got Christ Sarandon to sign my Child's Play DVD. Jason David Frank's panel was fun.

Um...That's about it.

Seriously distressed over that picture. Gonna work on my next blog entry now.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

    I'm off work today. As you know, I work in an industry that has frequent contact with the deceased, and veterans (often one and the same). My great uncle served in WWII and passed away a few short months ago. My cousin fought in Iraq, as did his sister's husband. I have several friends who are vets and still dealing with government BS. I have friends currently serving in the Navy and the Army.

     I don't know how to thank these people properly.

     That's it. No jokes today. Go and hug your loved ones because a soldier fought to keep us free so you could. God bless and keep our men and women, past and present, here and gone, near and far.