Friday, June 20, 2014

Five funny guy pics

You know it's Friday!






Thursday, June 19, 2014

Five things that are pointless but good

I love these pointless, useless things.

5. M&M Chocolate bar
     I love chocolate. Like, deeply. To a very u healthy extent. I'm a full-blown no joking addicted chocoholic. I'm in a good place with the brown demon and have no plans to get off the stuff.

     Even I was confused the first time I saw an M&M chocolate bar. M&Ms are fine by themselves (or occasionally in trail mix). Why stick them in the middle of a chocolate bar? I tried one this last Halloween, because cheap chocolate is cheap chocolate.

     It was incredible.

Something about a mouthful of M&M chocolate with just a few hints of candy shell is a whole 'nother experience from the standard M&M. I love 'em. I recommend them to my fellow addicts.

C'mon. The first taste is free.

4. Adventure Time

     I got sucked in to this fandom by my nieces and nephew. I blew through both seasons on netflix in under a week. At 11 minutes long, these shows are too short to be overly plotted, dramatic, or really anything other than a silly time waster.

     Yet it's beginning to get serious. There are plenty of theories online about what happened to Finn, Jake, and the Land of Ooo in the great Mushroom War to make everything the psuedo D&D format it is. I'm refraining from reading them because I hate spoilers more than Robert Jordan's Eye of the World series.

     I like the colors. I like the simple art. I like the voice actors, especially John DiMaggio, who you'd know better as a certain robot.

     I like the characters. Finn is a genuine good-hearted hero. Jake is a loyal brother who doesn't go behind Finn's back, or cheat on his girlfriend, or do most of the usual 'liar revealed' type plots you see in kids shows. They're nice guys who have fun in their world. And that's refreshing.

3. Robert Lynn Asprin's Myth Adventures

      Want a lighter than air fantasy read, no prophesies, no morals, just funny adventures? This is the series for you. Follow Skeeve the (semi) reformed thief, now magician and his demon mentor Aahz as they hop dimensions, get loot, solve problems, kill monsters, and seduce women. Not always in that order.

     These books are just short and fun. They cover a wide range of topics, from classic fantasy scenarios to vampires to the mafia to demons and devils, to sports, and a whole bunch of other things I'm forgetting. The only sad thing is that Mr. Asprin has passed, and there are a finite number of these books available.

2. Wayne's World

     There is a moral (actually several) to this movie, but let's be honest: this is a showcase for Dana Carvey and Mike Myers. That's all it needs to be. There's comedy, good music, good writing, and all that stuff, but that's not a reason to exist. Wayne's World exists to entertain.

     Maybe that's a point unto itself, but this is my list. 'Pointless but amazing movie' it is!

1.  This gif

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

5 things that made this the worst day ever (relatively)

I understand this is a very first world list. Nevertheless, it was a spectacularly bad day.

5. Boss at work all day

    He’s very stressful to have around, so this is self explanatory.

4. Turns out they way I’d been taught to keep the books was totally wrong.

    Not just me, but the person who trained me, the person supplying my numbers, and all three locationswere totally messed up. So we spent literal hours correcting the books.

3. I had to stay late and ‘assist’ by making coffee.

    I don’t drink coffee. The coffee maker is in the basement. The coffee filters, coffee, and pots are in the kitchen on the second floor. At least I’m getting my steps in.

2. Turns out, I have no idea how to make coffee

    Which resulted in coffee spillage, which resulted in moving a table, which resulted in a pipe getting pinched, which resulted in a leaking pipe, wet carpet, and a frantic search for the shutoff valve.

1. And then dance rehearsal.

    My husband got me, I went home to change, then the hour long drive to the new theater group. For dance, my least favorite part of any musical. Not even music or blocking, which are fun.

I’m moving to Australia. There’s no dance rehearsals there.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Five really scary movies

     With so many 'so bad it's good' scary movies on the market/Netflix, it's hard to find actually scary fare. Well, here's some films that give me the whim-whams.

5. The Exorcist
     A classic. Everyone has heard of the fainting in the theater and the freak-outs at just seeing the trailer.

     I love this movie. The book is great too. If you haven't seen it, get on that. It's been out since 1973. There's no excuse at this point. Unless you're CHIIIIIIICKEN.
Delicious chicken.

     Seriously, good flick.

4. Insidious
     This one's been out so long there's a sequel, and another in the works. I'm okay with it: Insidious 2 was pretty good for a sequel, and I'll watch anything with Patrick Wilson in it.
Aww yeah.

     What's nice is that this movie bucks traditional horror plots. Haunted house? Let's get out! I've discussed it before, but it bears repeating; that's how good this movie it.

3. Mama

     This is from one of the few scenes where we see actual violence. Just be glad there's no audio. Please be aware: if you have a 'thing' about children, I do NOT recommend this movie. The kids in here are messed up, and there are unpleasant things that happen. If you do have a kids thing and you're curious, go read the Wikipedia summary. I don't do spoilers.

     That being said, if you can watch Mama, DO. DO it now.

2. The Fly (1986)

     Another oldie but goodie. Staring Geena Davis and proto-Jeff Goldblum, this movie is a total win. Great practical effects, great plot, great characterization: you really feel for Goldblum's character. And the ending always leaves me in tears.
No, not that ending.

     I can't say enough good things about it, and it's STILL not number one on the list. No, number one is even better...

1. Pet Semetary
     This is another if you have a thing about kids, you may wanna skip it deal. But it's Stephen King. What did you expect?
Watch the kids kill the adults for a change!

     The child actors in this range from okay to THE BEST IN THE WORLD AT THAT TIME. That's right, as two-year old Gage, we have two-year old Miko Huges. Amazing film, amazing writing. One of the truest adaptations of a King book, and all the alterations made sense for a film.
Not always the case. Get it? Case. Heh.

     If you haven't seen it, or have but want to rewatch it, and know me, come over. I ALWAYS want to watch it.
I also always want to watch IT.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Five Reasons Feminism is still relevant

5. Women get paid less, and that's not changing
     A 2013 study found women get paid 76.5 cents for every dollar a man earns. That's bad enough. The study also revealed that in ten years that gap hasn't budged. The wage gap closure has come to a standstill.
Actual picture of my boss flying to a conference with the money he saved by hiring me, and not a man.


Okay, I lied.

4. It isn't just about money and sex
     This fight between bloggers is about how much more difficult it is to animate women since they have 'soft' faces. Male characters have soft faces too, as is pointed out, and everything goes to hell. I encourage you to read it.
The only thing pointy about this face is his hair.

3. Still not convinced? Read this beauty:
For those of you with little time, I'll sum up: this post is from a man delineating why he doesn't like tattooed women: "Because it's where another man left his mark on you."
     Pushing aside the comparatively minor point that there are female tattoo artist, this is so insane I don't know where to begin. Luckily, one commentator has my back:
"and when you go to a restaurant and eat something cooked by man, that’s where another man put something inside your body that I didn’t. And when the male dentist looks inside your mouth, that’s where another man invaded your mouth. And when the male cashier sells you those clothes, every time you wear them you will think of him, not me."
     Right on.

2. The Men's Right's Movement
     Elliot Roger, the  shooter in California was a member of this movement. If you're not convinced, Cracked has some truths you need to see about what is wrong with this hate organization.
