Friday, January 23, 2015

More or Less okay

Last night I was so upset about my ongoing stress dreams, I was afraid to go to sleep. They aren't scary dreams. I just didn't want another night of restless tossing and turning interspersed with unspecific fears. I stayed up til 1am before admitting this to my husband (I'm usually out by midnight at the latest).

So, he suggested not going to bed yet. Maybe watching another episode of Friends. I instead opted for the hilarious psuedo-horror movie Leprechaun.

A few minutes in I was smiling and riffing. Hubby doesn't care for horror movies, but he interjected a few things here and there. By the end of the movie I was relaxed enough to go to bed.

I slept unbroken until nine. Between nine and ten I tried going back to sleep, only to suffer from a dream-within-a-dream that was less horrific upon really waking. I feel okay.

Maybe I just needed something different to snap out of the pattern. Tonight will determine that. Maybe I'll watch Nightmare on Elm Street 2 before bed, or a comedian, or something equally strange.

I know my Friday bogs are usually little fluffy bits of nothing. I'll probably go back to that next week. I don't know if writing all this down is helpful, but it doesn't seem to hurt. That's a good start.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

More Okay

As reported in this blog, I'm having stress dreams. As of last night, they're still on track, but their no longer about my father.


These dreams have traceable sources. Normal stuff like work, packing for an upcoming trip, and minor floods due to backed up drains.

Not pictured: accurate representation of my situation

Last night was a lot of sleep, dream something stressful, wake with a song stuck in my head, repeat. They aren't even good songs.

Like this nonsense. Thank you, hubby.

At least I'm not an emotional wreck, or wondering why. I'd rather have dreams I explain away and understand. So, slight improvement. It is very much appreciated.

I also dreamed about getting a doberman puppy named Titan for free, so that was fun.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


No, I'm not selling anything. But I am now the proud owner of my first non-book, non-cosplay Sailor Moon merchandise!

My husband picked me up a little Sailor Jupiter in human form figurine last night. 

Jupiter is by far my favorite character. Hair in a ponytail, green is her favorite color (my 2nd fav, and one of my wedding colors), she bakes, and she will literally kick your ass. She is also the most 'talented' scout.

Jupiter is now proudly displayed on the base of my TV set, next to my Wicked Witch, Scarecrow, and Glinda figures from a McDonald's happy meal (and bought from my nieces and nephew). Some people wear their emotions on their sleeve: I show my geekiness on my TV.

Y'know, aside from watching it.

Which reminds me, a new episode of Sailor Moon Crystal should be up today...

Here's some Batman for those of you who give no cares about Sailor Moon, but read this far anyway. Thanks!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Five great G-Rated Jokes

Culled from Reddit.

5. Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?
Because he was out standing in his field.

4. Plateaus are the highest form of flattery.

3. How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
You look for the fresh prints.

2. Two fish are in a tank and one says to the other "do you know how to drive this thing?"

1. So the pope is SUPER early for his flight. He asks his driver on his way to the airport if he could drive around for a while because they have time to kill and he hasn't driven a car since becoming the pope. Naturally he's a bit rusty so he's driving poorly when suddenly he sees police lights behind him. He pulls over and when the officer comes up to the window his eyes go wiiiide. He says to the pope "Hold on for a minute" and he goes back to his car to radio the chief.
Cop: Chief we have a situation. I've pulled over an important figure.
Chief: How important? A governor or something?
Cop: No sir. He's bigger.
Chief: So, what? a celebrity or something?
Cop: More important, sir.
Chief: A major politician?
Cop: No sir, he's much more important.
Cop: Well actually I'm not sure. But the pope's his driver.