Friday, January 16, 2015

Five Funny gifs

Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Not Okay

You ever have those dreams that seem so real, you say to yourself 'of course this isn't a dream!'

I hate those things.

Pictured: not me.

They're never nightmares about monsters or even mundane things like cancer or losing a loved one. Not for me. They're the good dreams. Dreams where my father is alive. Or at least back from the dead (in a non-zombie/Pet Semetary way).

I had one like that last night: I flipped back and forth between being me and being a little boy (that's a new one on me) whose dad (always my Dad) was back from the dead. He was alive, and everyone was accepting it. It went on for days, weeks. All I could think was 'I can't wait for my Dad to talk to my husband/friend/sister/brother in law and prove he's alive again!'

My mind tried to tell me it was a dream. 'It can't be a dream!' I argued. 'It's going on for days. I know the difference between dreams and real life. None of this is dream-like.'

Are you sure he's not a ghost or a delusion?

'Yes! Other people are talking to him, and not in a 'Sixth Sense' way where it could be just coincidence. My mom had a conversation with him.'

Well then. You're right. It's real.

This was a disappointing morning. My husband is still asleep. I don't know if I'll talk to him about this before the blog posts in two days or not. I'm not crying or anything. Just sad that my brain worked so hard getting rid of all possible loopholes so I could have a few more days with my Dad.

I hate dreaming. It's just been stress dreams, bullshit like this, or terrifying nightmares every night since I could remember dreams until I was fifteen.

This I can handle.

Give me the terror back: I have someone to cling to now. Give me monsters and chases and darkness. It's so much easier to deal with than this. Give me nightmares or give me oblivion. Not this half-assed inbetween no man's land of stress and false hope.

No more riddles. Please. No more jests. Comes the day you say 'what for'?


No more.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Five Great Horror VHS Covers

One major casualty in the rise of DVD and Bluray is the art of the VHS cover. Somehow those plastic cases can't quite capture the imagination in the same way. So here are some classics.

The theme is horror because nothing beats a horror cover.

5. Screamers

4. Revenge of the Dead

3. Scream and Scream Again!

2. Spare Parts

1. Dolls

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Where is it?! Or why cleaning sucks

While I've found many interesting things while cleaning (besides stuff I wasted money on), I've also managed to lose several important items. And it just sizzles my sausage.

Insert your own lazy innuendo-based pun here.

So here are some things I'm still looking for.

So many socks

I have three milk-crates full of socks. One has my pairs, one has my husbands, and the third is full of clean but unmatched socks. Over time I think they'll turn up, but it's so frustrating. A FULL milk-crate of socks that are clean, but have no mates. So depressing.

Fables Volume 4: March of the Wooden Soldiers

Fables is a comic series that is like Once Upon a Time, but without the second season decline. And I own 8 of the 20+ bound editions. So I want to display all of them proudly on my shelf, like my other complete (or semi-complete) collections.

And I cannot find #4.

The Gunslinger Book IV: Wizard and Glass

Pretty much the same as Fables, but less Snow White, more Rose Red.
(Just pretend it's blood) 

The only difference is that this book is my least favorite of the series, and one of my least-liked King books in general. If I'm missing it, it's only for shelf completeness. Sorry Sai King, I just don't care about Roland losing his virginity and his girlfriend and unborn baby dying because an Eldritch god is trapped in a crater.

It's worse than it sounds.

Gremlins 2

I want my singing Gremlins back! T_T

Monday, January 12, 2015

Books so nice I bought them twice (or more)

I'm cleaning the house.

Oh shut up.

And I've found a few books that, due to inattentiveness and confusion, I've bought more than once. This doesn't include books that are in both hard and soft cover (that's a prestige thing). All softcover, often the same edition.

Four Past Midnight (Johnny Depp Face edition)

For those of you who aren't among Sai King's Constant Readers, this book will only be a quarter to a half known to you. It contains Secret Window, Secret Garden, which was turned into the Johnny Depp movie Secret Window (not too inaccurate as King movies go, but not the best). It also has The Langoliers, a great novella and well-acted (mostly) but terribly filmed TV movie.
For a more in depth, negative analysis, I refer you to the Nostalgia Critic.

One of the other two novellas are The Sun Dog, a prequel to Needful Things. Short version: boy buys cursed camera and a monster stalks him. Not bad, but unless you're a big King fan it might fall a little flat by itself. As a ramp-up to Needful Things, it works wonderfully.

The other novella is The Library Policeman.  This is one of the most brutal things King has ever written, and not because of the supernatural monster. If you have triggers, you may want to skip it. That being said, it's one of my favorite King pieces.

The Hobbit

I have two separate editions of this: one pictured above that came with a boxed set of Lord of the Rings. The other was a random one picked up for cheap at a Salvation Army because the cover was pretty.

I don't buy shoes or jewelry, but nice book covers will get me every time.


Simple explanation: I forgot I owned this one. And now I super own it. It's not my favorite King book, but it's better than most first-time novels.

The Talisman AND Black House


This set of novels from King and Straub are special; I own at least 3 copies of Black house, and have owned 3 copies of The Talisman in the past. I read one to tatters. The extras are more insurance policy than forgetfulness. Some books are just too good to lose.