Thursday, July 21, 2016

Semi-Reboots; Ghostbusters, Star Trek, and Beyond


Chances are you've seen my wild elation over the new Ghostbusters. If not, know that I love it; it falls higher in my esteem than the Extreme Ghostbusters, the IDW comics, and the second half of The Real Ghostbusters.
Phelous is the only other person who shares my level of hate.

But a lot of people are complaining about how this is too similar to the original. It does hit some of the same beats, but this is easily explained in two words: alternate universe.

Like the new Star Trek, this Ghostbuster's film seems to take place in an alternate universe. Unlike that film, the timeline-altering event is now shown in film, but with careful observation it's clear.

This universe is the result of Egon dying young.

We see an unnamed copper bust in-film of Harold Ramis' Egon. Assuming this is a memorial, everything else falls into place; Peter Venkman (in this universe named Martin Heiss) and Ray Stantz (no idea what his new name is) began their work on the paranormal with Egon, when working with their dangerous equipment killed him. Peter couldn't cope with the loss and delved into debunking everything that he percieved killed his friend.

Ray kept up with the work for a while, but the University eventually fired him. Without Peter to drive him into 'the private sector' he turned to being a cabby to pay the bills. But his academic work was studied and built on by Erin and Abby. Thus the "It's only a calls 5 full torso apparition."

Winston simply fell into another line of work. One where he still works with the dead, though.

So, what does my theory mean for the franchise? Much like in Star Trek (especially Star Trek Into Darkness) we may still see the same beats playing out differently due to the new universes new circumstances. And I'm fine with that. I'd love to see a brand new story, but I'm not adverse to seeing what these girls would do faced with Terror Dogs and Gozer.

Either way, I get more Ghostbusters. That's a win in my book.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Ghostbusters blog

So I saw Ghostbusters this weekend.

I really liked it.

I bought the in-universe book (and yes, broke my no buying embargo. But it was the last copy!).

I want to be Abby () for Halloween, if I can round up some others to fill out the roster. You know who you are (cough, Camy, Bree?).

The ratings are rising on IMDB, and a solid 73% from the critics on rotten tomatoes, where the audience score is also rising. It's done better in the box office than expected (though China's thrown a monkey wrench into things).

On to the mushy stuff.

I've never seen a Ghostbusters movie in a theater before. I've never gotten to hear the theme play in surround sound, or see the Ecto-1 pull up to the firehouse, all larger than life. I've never been blinded by the proton stream. I've never heard the CLUNK of a trap as it rolls across the floor and pulls an evil spirit to the depths.

I wept openly when I finally had these things.

I got to experience it with my family. We all liked it.

But the most important thing is I don't need to lie to myself. It was good, for real and true. I don't have to make excuses or flinch at the so bad it's bad parts, or say 'yeah, but you have to consider'. None of that. It was good. My optimism paid off, as it so rarely does.

I am so happy.