Thursday, May 29, 2014

Five Movies I'm Gonna Watch (I swear)

They're ones I own or are in my Netflix queue. I'm gonna watch them. Soon. Promise.


PLOT: Harvey Milk, first openly gay politician. Is the...mayor of San Francisco? He gets shot in the end. Sad. Dramatic.

WHY: Need to see it so I can understand the history. I'm not a good straight ally until I do. That's why I bought it...several years ago.

STARRING: The angry guy who married Madonna.

4. Dracula (Legacy Collection)

PLOT: Well, I read the book, so I'm well versed here. Vampire traps men, seduces women, and it's awesome.

WHY: I bought the friggan' legacy collection in the last days of Borders. I'm watching these movies!

STARRING: Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee (in the other DVDs in the collection I bought), but not Willam DaFoe. Sadness.

3.  Mud

PLOT: A guy named Mud talks to some kids with his shirt off, but not in a molesty way. I hope. May have something to do with fishing, the south, deadbeat dads, or actual mud.

WHY: It won a lot of awards. I like the cast.

STARRING: The poor man's Owen Wilson.

2. Bad Boys

PLOT: Cops shoot bad guys and make quips.

WHY: I really like Hot Fuzz, and they really liked Bad Boys 2.

STARRING: Will Smith (from one of my favorite shows!) and Martin Lawrence (whose show I hated with a fiery passion. He lives to the sequel, but maybe he'll get shot).

1. American Psycho

PLOT: Christian Bale-man murders people in a suit and clear poncho. With an axe.

WHY: Did you not see my understanding of the plot?

STARRING: Christian Bale and some dead people.

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