Wednesday, June 18, 2014

5 things that made this the worst day ever (relatively)

I understand this is a very first world list. Nevertheless, it was a spectacularly bad day.

5. Boss at work all day

    He’s very stressful to have around, so this is self explanatory.

4. Turns out they way I’d been taught to keep the books was totally wrong.

    Not just me, but the person who trained me, the person supplying my numbers, and all three locationswere totally messed up. So we spent literal hours correcting the books.

3. I had to stay late and ‘assist’ by making coffee.

    I don’t drink coffee. The coffee maker is in the basement. The coffee filters, coffee, and pots are in the kitchen on the second floor. At least I’m getting my steps in.

2. Turns out, I have no idea how to make coffee

    Which resulted in coffee spillage, which resulted in moving a table, which resulted in a pipe getting pinched, which resulted in a leaking pipe, wet carpet, and a frantic search for the shutoff valve.

1. And then dance rehearsal.

    My husband got me, I went home to change, then the hour long drive to the new theater group. For dance, my least favorite part of any musical. Not even music or blocking, which are fun.

I’m moving to Australia. There’s no dance rehearsals there.

1 comment:

  1. One could say that at least you have a theater group to escape to with tons of friends who think you're awesomely talented, fun, and gorgeous.
