Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Five Cat Facts

     Based on painstaking research of owning several cats (not at once), and having friends who also own cats.
This is Harley. She is the best cat ever. Yes, better than yours

5. Sometimes, they lick.
    Cats are famous for not being dogs. They don't bark, wag, or lick faces. OR DO THEY? I'm my travels, I've found several cats, including Harley, who just LOVE to lick. She likes faces and feet particularly. If you let her, she'll sandpaper your face clean off.

     The problem with this is it can dull the barbs on your cat's tongue. Wonder why older cats look so much scruffier than their younger selves? Their smooth tongues aren't as good at grooming. Those barbs are there for a reason. So if you're cat is a licker, let her have a few slurps, then stop. Cat saliva isn't good for your skin, and it can damage their tongues. Don't let your cat lick you!

4. They aren't all snobs.

     Harley was the first good example of this, but now two of my friends have cats that have confirmed it: some cats really like people. Many cats will hide when guests come over, that's true. But more and more I'm meeting cats who love visitors.

      Harley is my best example: once we took her to Grizz's house to meet my inlaws and their dog. She'd never been there, never met these people, and never been around a dog before, so we were a little worried. Harley came upstairs, took one look around, and thought 'Well, this is happening.' She then strutted around, cuddled with everyone and ignored the dog (who already lives with cats). She didn't even freak when Bahamute accidentally trapped her in the reclining couch. That is one cool cat!

     My friends new cats are much the same: people don't bother them, they love cuddles, and they'll lavish attention on anyone. So not all cats are fridge stranger-phobics.

3. They have favorite people.

     From the moment we saw her, Harley picked Bahamute as her favorite. She jumped into his arms and cuddled with him, ignoring me and winning him over. I'm not saying she doesn't love me: she just like the tomcat better. And that's fine: that's how pretty much every animal do.

     Cats will spend more time with their favorite person, even if someone else feeds them and changes their litter and I'm starting to sound like a bitter parent, aren't I? NEXT TOPIC!

2. They make weird noises.

1. They're smarter than you think.

     I don't mean 'They predict earthquakes' or 'They have the vocabulary of a small child' kind of ways either. I mean simply this: my cat knows my routine. I go to work at 9:50 Monday through Friday, with an occasional variation. Harley sleeps at the foot of our bed, and will crawl out when I do for snuggles and noms. Then she crawls back into bed while I make lunches and write. The INSTANT I think 'Time to wake Bahamute up' she crawls onto my chest and nuzzles my face. This is a DAILY event. She knows when I go to work and has devised a way to keep me around for snuggles instead. That is a smart, and very manipulative cat.

     Don't think it's because she likes me better: she does the same thing to prevent my husband from leaving the house to pick me up. She just wants SOMEONE giving her attention, and doesn't care where she gets it.

You harlot.

     Cats, like dogs, are smart enough to know when you're getting ready to leave, or when you get up and go through your pre-work routine you're about to vanish for several hours. It shouldn't be that astonishing. The difference is, the dog is happy to see you whereas the cat either doesn't care, is angry, or will cuddle non-stop. But they do know.

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