Thursday, August 28, 2014

Five things found in the spare room

The cleaning spree continues. Today, we tackled the spare room, getting rid of the bunk beds and a lot of other junk. There were some interesting finds...

5. Chocolate Coins

I am a bonafide Chocoholic. It's a serious addiction that I've come to terms with. I don't blow my paycheck on M&Ms or anything, but I eat chocolate every day, if I can.

So finding pristine chocolate coins from earlier this year was a major win. They vanished before my husband came home. Mysteriously.

4. Comic Books

My husband and I collect comics, so it wasn't a surprise to find the spare room littered with them. I found DC Comics about Harley Quinn, Grimm's Fairy Tales with cheesecake covers,  video game tie ins, and a Dresden Files comic. No time to read them with all the cleaning left. Boo.

3. Toys

My husband and I have a lot of action figures, dolls, and other assorted nerd crap. While cleaning the spare room I found:

There was more, but who cares? LEGOS! WIN!

2. Not as many spiders as you'd think

When we clean the house, dozens of those little demons spawn from dark corners and dusty floorboards. But to my surprise, I only uncovered one or two. They were very small and scampered into the walls, away from me. A pleasant(ish) surprise!

1. Booze

I'm a moderate drinker. One or two a week is about all I do. My husband is about the same. Yet about a dozen bottles, most unopened, of booze were in the room. Booze from our engagement party. Gifts from friends. Leftovers from parties. Homemade spirits. They're sitting in a box in the living room, waiting for us to make a place for them.

I guess it makes sense that two people who drink very sparingly would accumulate extra booze, but it was still a shock. Maybe when I go home I'll self medicate this cold away...Wish me luck!

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