Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Late to the party

Spoilers for season 2 of The Walking Dead.

Dale died.

I've read very far into the comics (Omnibus 1 and 2), and Dale was alive for most of it. Hell, Sophia was still alive where I left off, and she died earlier than he did. And as sad as I am to see Dale go, I understand why the writers did it: shake things up, can't follow the story line too closely or it gets dull, etc.

For those of you wondering why I'm complaining about this a whole two years after the fact, it's very simple: like many of the things I enjoy (Game of Thrones, Dragon Ball Z, Avatar the Last Airbender), I got into the series years after everyone else did. Many of my interests are already concluded!

Spoiler avoidance is usually the hardest part of getting into something post-popularity boom. Who hasn't heard the true identity of Kaiser Soyse, or what the Island really turned out to be? I know a lot of people don't care about spoilers, but I take them seriously. I've made an informal pact not to watch The Usual Suspects due to aforementioned Kaiser spoiler coming up repeatedly.

If I don't care about a show and intend never to watch it (Dr. Who, Firefly, ANY soap opera), please, spoil away. As for me? I'll always ask before I start talking about new media to avoid spoiling someone who isn't in the know. Old media too, usually. Unless it's a HUGE cultural touchstone that was spoiled long before my birth.


Now, back to binge watching.

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