Monday, February 22, 2016

Pooley Cooley

 Behold, the latest addition to my desk lineup:

I've been a fan of Deadpool for several years. I don't remember how I stumbled across the Merc with a Mouth, but I did, and now I'm the proud owner of many Deadpool bound editions. I do know it was before the movie announcement, since I've been hyped for years.

And boy, did it come through.

This is the first great rated R superhero movie since Watchman (yes, I remember Kickass and its sequel.  They're fine, not great). There's gore, violence, torture, sex, and of course:

I am so very happy.

It hit all the marks of being a proper Deadpool movie. Just enough 4th wall breaking, a great story, and fantastic actors. Hud is in it! And Daario! And Leslie Uggams! What even is this movie?

I've seen Deadpool twice now, and it's not one of those movies that seems great but falls flat after repeated viewings (I'm looking at you, Matrix sequels). It's still funny, exciting, horrifying, and above all, Deadpool-y.

It's a financial success, and the sequel is already in the works. What more could a fan want?

At this point, I just want more material of the same caliber. But even if the sequel is disappointing I'll still be awed by the fact that we got even one Deadpool movie, never mind it being nearly perfect.

Could the villain have been more menacing? Eh, sure. Could more have been done with Vanessa to get her to Copycat? Yeah, okay. But it's not about them. It's about Wade, and Wade was perfect. So I'm happy.

Fan Tested. Merc Approved.

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