Thursday, March 3, 2016

Who ya gonna call?

So, what was originally a day of massive joy has turned into something a bit funky. The trailer for the Ghostbuster’s reboot has released, and the initial reaction seems to be mostly negative. Granted, this is just from looking at Twitter, but as a hip young person ™ I don’t have a lot of other research venues. 

 Clearly, these women must be destroyed.

There are issues with the trailer. That’s what the internet tells me. So as a Ghostbuster’s fan, and an avid hater of reboots, let me break down the most prevalent issues with the trailer and my thoughts on them. Spoilers, so take 3 minutes to watch it before you proceed.

The Ghostbusters are women.
This has been the cry since the casting announcements were made, and the new trailer hasn’t stemmed the flow. First of all, this is NOT the first time there was a female Ghostbuster:

Janine in the original series

Kylie in Extreme Ghostbusters.

Janine, Kylie, and agent Ortiz from the Ghostbusters comics.

Granted, these are extended universe situations and characters, but they still count. A long line of proud female Ghostbusters, just as funny, smart, and good at Bustin’ as the men. Next argument please.

It’s racist.

Okay, HEAR ME OUT. I get that Leslie Jones’s character doesn’t APPEAR to be a doctor. But you’re all assuming that she’s not; the movie’s not out, we don’t know for sure. 
Second, you assume she’s uneducated based on the way she speaks. Isn’t that racist? 

Third, she’s already way more involved in the trailer than Winston was for the original movies. She is represented just as much as the other characters.

 Forth; she has a distinct personality outside of ‘the token Black person.’ She’s funny. She knows a good opportunity when she sees one, and wants to join up. Courageous. Strong, physically. Strong emotionally. Her friend gets possessed and instead of falling apart she does what it takes to solve the problem. 

What’s not to love?!

There shouldn’t be a remake.

Yeah, in a perfect world there would be no remakes. Except The Fly. And The Thing. And Hateful Eight. And Django unchained. And Star Trek (yes, Star Trek, wanna fight about it?!). 

 Tell me that's not perfect.

These remakes, like Ghostbusters, are about a fresh take on the material with new stories to tell. If they were just straight remaking the old movies I’d be the first one ready to burn down Hollywood. But this is a new story that clearly respects its source. That’s a great and rare thing, and needs to be acknowledged. 

It’s no good.

This is a toughie.

I thought the trailer was funny. Was it laugh out loud, fall down, crying funny? No. But it was funny. Did the effects look perfect? No, but it’s still a work in progress. They looked alright, and the design work was fantastic.  I love the blue class 4 ghost, and the shot of Slimer was great. 

 The spud looks good.

Long story short, this was a 2 minute clip. I don’t think you can judge the whole movie from that. I also think people are being unusually hard, as it has quite a legacy to live up to. If there was no original Ghostbusters people would be just as excited about this as any comedy starring the people it stars. We all just need to give Ghostbusters a chance. Will it be better than the original? No. But it’s not trying to be. It’s trying to be a fun movie that respects its source; at that, it will succeed.


  1. I agree. I love a reboot. A good story is a good story. You can't ever expect it to be as good as the original, just as movies will never be as good as the books. But revisiting a great story, someone's version of it, should just be a bit of fun. Everyone's version (and budget, etc.) can't be Top Dollar Oscar-Worthy. Just a fun homage. Rent the original after you see the reboot if you don't like it. It's always fun to revisit Slimer. 80's forever!
    p.s. I STILL just really want someone, at some point, to answer the phone:
    "Ghostbustas, whattaya want?"
    - Joy Christi of Comfytown Chronicles

  2. You should be able to expect that the genre is taken seriously. There are the same lame ass jokes like in their individual movies and while they are fine and funny there, it doesn't work together with this franchise. The original cast implied they are taking it seriously, while everyone around them laughed at them to the point when the city was overrun by ghosts and they became the unwanted heroes. From the short clip, this cast doesn't even take itself serious, nor their roles. Where the original colored member was an upstanding honest worker looking to earn his bucks, now it's some overly annoying character, stereotypical to a degree one could think the script was written by a racist.
    People calling the criticism off for being sexist are short sighted. The all female cast has nothing to do with the fact that this movie trailer does not encourage myself to see the movie. It appears similar to Pixels, lame jokes, lame characters, lame story with a lot of CGI poured all over it.
