Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Clowns to the left of me, clowns to the right.

So, clowns have invaded two towns in South Carolina. Children report the figures are trying to lure them into the woods with money. With over 2 months until Halloween, it's a little early for antics this hardcore. And that's coming from someone who's favorite book is literally about a clown stalking and killing children.
Image result for IT clown spider
Also, they're a giant spider. Not kidding.

My original joke was that this was a marketing campaign for the new IT remake. There's speculation that it's viral marketing for Rob Zombie's new film 31. If this was the case I'd assume it'd happen in more places, with less emphasis on kids. No studio or director is going to want a promoter shot in the name of marketing. There's reports of residents randomly firing into the woods to deter the clowns. So...yay.

I'm all for scaring kids, creepy clowns, and horror movies. But this is a step too far. Scare kids on Halloween, in haunted houses, or a hayride. Not in their backyard, unannounced.

Best case, this is misguided marketing. Most likely it's a prank.

I don't want to consider the option that mentally ill people are doing this, and what they might intend. Killer Klowns are one thing, Creepy people are another.

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