Friday, January 20, 2017

My Way

“And now the end is near, and so I face the final curtain.”

These are the words that Trump chose to ring in hispresidency. I could never make that up in a million years. As one of my favorite reviewers once said “I’m sad that I lack the talent to make that up!”

I’ve written letters and made calls to my government reps to block Trumps nominees, proposals, and general ideology. I’ve made funny memes, I’ve made fervent pleas. I’ve watched hate explode with civilians and politicians claiming that they're now free to do these things.

 A man who hates Jewish people (among other things) has power in the white house.  Wednesday, Jewish community centers across America (including one in my backyard) were evacuated due to bomb threats.

He's coming after my hobby, my safety, and my future. "The Heritage plan calls for cutting things like the Department of Justice's Violence Against Women Grants and reducing its Civil Rights and Environment and Natural Resources programs. It also outlines cuts in funding to programs within the Department of Energy that focus on renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions. Additionally, the Heritage blueprint suggests gutting funding for the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the UN's panel on climate change."

 I still have my bully pulpit. I'll still sign and sing and snap and scour the news for ways to block the next four years of insanity.

"For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way."

It's not your way, Trump. We will not kneel. We will not fall before your blows. We will keep speaking. We will do it our way.

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