Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Florida, the Trippening part 4: Lazy Monday

After a pleasant evening spent singing karaoke, drinking, and watching Gods of Egypt, I woke feeling refreshed. Today we're having breakfast at a local diner, the 2002.

Breakfast was great. It was followed by golf-karting around the neighborhood, vising relatives. I saw some hornets, a mostly dead roach, and a cat.
Not this cat, but it was strikingly similar.
Lunch time! We're getting seafood at The Thirsty Clam.

Mmm, so many great choices:

A festive tiki-post on the patio watched us eat.

This was the remains of my Country Boil. I would have taken pictures before, but I didn't.

There was a parrot sanctuary next door:

We left full, and very happy.


Evening fun! Music Bingo, where they play a little of a song, then tell you the name in case you don't know it (like I didn't with many).

Bahamute took a mid-game...gaming break.

I got a little bored at times and drew a bunny. Bahamute thought the basket was a potato. :(

They played a few songs all the way through. Here's a group of ladies dancing to uptown funk. Seriously.

But in the end, Bahamute and I won the 'cover all' challenge!

Aaaaaand, so did all these people.

Well, we got a free drink voucher (which went happily to FiL).

And when we came home, a new frog friend greeted us!

As they say down here, just another day in paradise.

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