Monday, August 28, 2017

The IT Spot: Rereading part 35

So, at long last, we see into the mind of IT, AKA Pennywise, Robert Gray, the eater of worlds and of children, who cam to this world to rob all the women, rape all the men, and learn to do the peppermint twist.

We first venture into IT's mind in 1958. The past losers are currently being chased into the sewers by the Bowers gang, getting close it IT. IT spends these moments musing about how something new is happening, and about the Turtle. The Turtle, IT muses, is probably dead, after having vomited up the universe. After that, IT came down, content to eat and sleep (IE cause horrible catrastophy and murder).

The newness is the Loser's club, and their ability to hurt IT. To make IT afraid, which had literally never happened before. To make IT angry, and actually hate them. Despite causing these emotions and feeding off them, IT never had them ITself. And surprise, IT doesn't like change.

IT muses on, wondering if because they were able to hurt IT, that implies the existence of Another being. A guiding being, not IT or the Turtle.

This unnamed horror is of course either God, or Stephen King's supreme guiding force of everything, The Dark Tower.

The Gunslinger, the first book in the series, came out prior to it, but the books that establish more about what the tower is, Ka-Tets, and make everything interconnected all followed IT. Here King is testing the waters, perhaps not even knowing the words for those terms yet. But the basic feeling is there.

IT shakily decides the possibility of another is too scary to contemplate, and besides it's impossible, and decides when the kids get there IT will drive them insane and cast them into IT's dealights (the universe IT hails from, or possibly a pocket universe IT now owns).

There's a slight rest were we follow the past losers further into the pit. Eddie has a talent for directions, so, that's nice. Also, they find Patrick Hockstetter's corpse.

We then get the 1980's IT's perspective. IT muses over how their numbers have dwindled, but are still causing IT fear, which IT is very upset about. IT then thinks on happier things: how the bird form IT used to attack Mike dated back to when a crow attacked him as a baby. And how Tom Rogan brought IT Audra, then his brain LITERALLY exploded from the terror.

Audra, for her part is still alive, but is very much insane/catatonic/in the deadlights. But IT reflects on her last thought: OH DEAR JESUS IT IS FEMALE.

Yes constant readers, IT is not a gender-less horror from beyond. IT is a female. And since I abandoned the spoiler warnings long ago, I'll tell you one more revelation: IT is pregnant. And laying eggs. Which the adult losers are about to find.

So, enjoy that thought.

IT finishes musing about how, no there can't be a guiding force (Wrong-o), and how now that the losers were adults IT would use their lack of believe in childish things to pick them off. Nothing new, it's just that we're seeing IT think these things. The Losers hit the nail on the head in a lot of ways.

There's more, but I'm exhausted. Next time, join me as the adult losers try to keep Bill from running into a monster while frantically searching for Audra. Whom we know is alive. Ish. Hooray!

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