Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New friends, or the saga of The Hobbit (not that one)

There's a local restaurant that's open twenty four hours, and has low prices--you know the type of place. My friends and I eat there at least once a week, due to them all being night owls. Nearly every time we're there we see other frequent diners. We've made up names for some "Pepperidge Farm" for a well-dressed older gentleman. "The Wired Couple" for two who are constantly on their laptops and kindles.

Then there's The Hobbit.

No, not that one.

A shorter man, wild brown hair, long beard. He is always in a group of other men around their mid-twenties. We saw him much more than Pepperidge Farm or the Wired couple: every time we've been there, he's been there. The other faces change, but his never has. So, we began to wonder: who is this guy? Why is he here EVERY night? Is he a nerd like us, just seeking a cheap hangout? Curiosity was burning.

Last night, we made contact. The Hobbit and his other friend were outside smoking as we left; it was odd as it was much earlier than we usually went out.

"Hey, sorry we were starring at you." My friend Jay (names replaced to protect the "innocent).

"You were what?" He replied, looking blank.

"Damnit Jay, you blew our cover!" I scolded him sarcastically. "Now they know!"

"I'm sorry, but we're in here all the time, and we always see you." Jay replied.

"You are?"  The Hobbit's friend looked just as blank.

My heart sank a little. We'd been watching these guys for months: they had no idea who we were?

The my fiancee Bahamute walked out, and their faces lit up. "Oooh, YOU guys!"

I guess the 6 foot long haired scruffy guy would stand out more than the rest of us. For his part, Bahamute just looked confused.

"So,"  Jay's wife Selena got into the act "are you nerds like us?"

Well, nobody could say we didn't speak our minds.

"What do you think of the new Star Trek?"  The Hobbit addressed me.

"Love it. It pays respect to the old--"

"While letting the new do new stuff!"  He finished. I began to get excited.

No word on if they support Spirk.

We talked about EVERYTHING. Superheros. Star Trek. Card Games. Video Games. Musical theater! The Hobbit's friend studied in New York.

It was amazing. Everything we'd imagined about these guys was true. They were just like us. We agreed that next time we'd make one massive table and take over half the restaurant, to indulge in all our nerdism.

"I'm Mike."

Well. The Hobbit finally had a name.

"One last thing--do you know you look a little like a Hobbit and a Dwarf combined?" Jay asked.

My jaw dropped. So much for our burgeoning friendship.

"Thorin Oakenshield is my adoptive Father." Mike grinned. We all laughed, me with a mix of joy and relief.

We have met the diners. They are us. If only more friendships could be formed that easily.

Also, Mike may be my genderflip clone from another universe. More on that later.


  1. I was about to kill my husband when he mentioned that the guy looked like a hobbit. The man has no filter! Thank goodness, Mike was an understanding nerd!
