Sunday, July 28, 2013

To read

I see a clown, a man, a tree
Red and white, lips blue and free
With poison dripping down on me.
All hail Sai King, whose heart does see.

I see a man but oh so small,
A spider climbing down the wall,
To whet the fear within us all.
Cheers, Mr. Matheson, what a ball.

I see lions on the veldt
With glossy golden shining pelt
Lap up blood, no pain was felt.
Bradbury, where genius dwelt.

I see a ring, and furr-ed feet
Elves and monsters, what a treat
To read and evermore to meet
Tolkien, and paths so sweet.

I see a girl, a faun, a cave
And children who are good and brave
Magic and the wits to save.
Lewis, and the tales he gave.

I see ravens dark and black,
In darkened hate the floorboards clack
To hide the heart not gone slack.
Poe, the first to run the track.

I see these things, and do recall
The joy they brought to me, to all
Who feel the need, who head the call
Of darkness to which we’re in thrall.

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