Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The end(s)

In the last two days I've finished A Dance With Dragons, and the last season of 30 Rock. Today, when I'm a little less sick, I'll watch the final installment of the old Chucky movies before the upcoming reboot, Curse of Chucky.

And yet I don't feel a sense of loss.

With the Song of Ice and Fire fandom, I still have the show and two more books on the way. The first of which is supposed to be out early next year. But I'm not holding my breath.

They're already rarer than white Rhinos!

30 Rock wasn't even one of my favorite shows. I love Tina Fey and Jack McBrayer, but I got into the show right before it was cancelled anyway, and knew the last season wrapped things up nicely. It made me a little sad, but it made me laugh much much more.


 As for Chucky, I haven't watched it yet, but it's got to be better than this. Damnit Billy Body, this is THE BEST THING YOU'VE DONE SINCE LORD OF THE RINGS? Oh, you don't believe me?

UTTER CRAP. A stain on the Oz fandom (not Billy's fault).

WHAT IS THIS, I DON'T EVEN. Still not Billy's fault.

...To be fair, there's more, but these were the biggest things. Ugh.

Maybe I'm not sad because I still have so much left to conquer. Tomorrow I start reading Dr. Sleep, the long awaited Shining sequel. Then it's on to The Hunger Games, where I haven't seen the movies or read any of the books. Thought, I have seen Battle Royal. Epic.

I guess I don't get as sad when I know something new is right around the bend for me to devour. Thor 2, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, the upcoming Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them movie, there's just so much to look forward to! Maybe someday even Sherlock Series 3.

Long story short...I'm too excited to be sad. Though when the last Hobbit movie airs in 2 years, I'll be sad. And when Sherlock is finally over (they already contracted series 4). And when A Song of Ice and Fire is over. And when Sai King passes. And when Pirates of the Caribbean finishes for good. And...

Aw, crap. Life for future-me is gonna suck.

Well, I have contingency plans. I'm not reading Insomnia until King is dead AND I've read everything else he's ever written. And...that's about it. Crap, past me, why didn't you plan better?!?!?!

Well, there are hundreds of years of popular culture to catch up on. I've only been on the planet for 26 of them. I'll just have to assume I don't devour all of it before I die.

Of course, if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave 'em. :D

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