Saturday, November 16, 2013


For the first time in my adult life, I don't have a job.

Since I was a little girl I had some form of job: mostly letting the neighborhood dogs out and feeding them. This progressed to house and pet sitting, as well as more conventional jobs: student assistant at my community college, waitressing, hostessing, coat-check girl for some of the best places in Detroit. The usual.

I've seen things that make him look like Mr. Rogers

When my father died, I got out of the restaurant business: he didn't want me working in Detroit without him. As a literal dying wish, I haven't gone back to the city for a job since 2009. I spent a few years in a warehouse working my way through college. I got my BA in English, and found an internship at a local law firm, hoping to move on to full-time staff.

Well, my internship has ended, and I am sans employment.

At least nobody died this time

I've been the financial head of my household since my father went into the hospital. Long before then, he'd taught me to save. I have a bit in the bank, but with my upcoming wedding, that won't last too long. Am I panicked? No. Not yet. But I want to find a new job as soon as possible. My fiance, Bahamute, is gainfully employed with a certain Game store you may Stop at occasionally, and my Mom will be getting disability starting next month. We'll get by.

So, here I am, sitting in my local library, with a pile of books, trying to figure out my future. "What to do with you English or Communications Degree." "The Five Minute Interview." "The Complete Idiot's Guides to the Perfect Resume." They are well used, and hopefully helpful.

But a few unorthodox books are in my stack as well. "How to Start a home-based Writing Business"and "The Complete Book of Scriptwriting", written by J. Michael Straczynski, or the man behind the 3 good seasons of "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon. Hey, if he's good enough for the Ghostbusters, he's good enough for me!

It's no secret I want to write (well, except from my family). I'm working on a project for NaNoWriMo, as well as a pilot for a TV show, a short story, and a supernatural thriller trilogy, the first book of which is written.  But as I have at least a week of free time in my future, I'll have a lot more time to devote to these projects. If it's a choice between writing and cleaning, I may have a few finished projects and a very neat bathroom by the end of all this.

I'm so very very scared.

Whelp, time to get going: I have a show tonight, and...I have no idea what happens next.

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