Monday, November 18, 2013

The (Job) Hunter Games, Day 1

Well, my first day of joblessness is off to a smashing start. So far I've

1. Watched an episode of Star Trek TNG
Star Date: -309119.1459601725. My back hurts and I'm cold.
2. Cleaned the bathroom.
Too bad I'm not Catholic.
3. Scheduled a job interview with the County in two weeks.

And a few assorted other things, making lunch for Bahamute, etc. But I'd say day one is off to a good start.

Now, the County thing is by no means assured, but I feel a lot better having this interview than not. I passed the first part of the screening process a week or two ago, and now go on to an interview and a typing test. Well, you remember I just picked up some books that may help, and have an abundance of time to bring up my typing speed. It's not too shabby right now, thanks to NaNoWriMo, and this blog.

So, that just leaves the rest of the day.

Well, I still have to finish my 1666 words for NaNoWriMo. Yesterday, thanks to Spamalot, I found myself two days behind. I made up, writing over 3k over the course of the day, in between killing Orks.
It's just like this.

My house is in desperate need of cleaning, so every day I'm not paid, I'll be working to get the house in order. I will keep myself busy. I will keep to a schedule and not let myself sleep all day, just because I can. It'd be far, far to easy to let myself be slothful during this time. That would only lead to despair.

Well, I'm off to work on the novel, take care of the neighbor's dogs, and begin work on another room...maybe the loft (aka Harley's person room, stay out Humans). Wish me luck, internet. 

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