Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The (Job) Hunter Games, Day 3

Things accomplished since the beginning of the week:

1. Totally clean bathroom
2. DVDs cataloged and (mostly) back in their proper cases. Alphabetization still in the works.
3. Food in the kitchen inventoried and sorted. A little. Kinda. Ongoing work.
4. Area by the green chair cleaned up. A bit.
5. NaNoWriMo kept up on. Still working on words for today.
6. Baked a cake.

I am not as optimistic as day one.

Day one I was super productive, and setting the interview helped with that. I finished the bathroom in under an hour. After that, hours of work spent on other areas of the house with so little (visibly) accomplished is very depressing.

Which is not to say I'm about to give up. It's just hard when you don't have immediate progress.

Today, we're going to visit my future brothers in law for a hangout (thus the baking of said cake). It's good to get out of the house for a while and relax. Be with people. Tomorrow we'll be seeing Catching Fire with a few friends at Midnight. They're coming over, so that's further incentive to get the living room clean.

Now it feels like a waiting game. Wait while Bahamute is at work to show him all the things I've done since he left. Wait to go to the store for essential commodities. Wait to do something. Anything. Kill time cleaning and planning.

I'm also working on wedding stuff. Finally booked the caterer. Got the guest list ready. Going shopping Saturday with my big sister for a veil. Productive. Doesn't feel like it. The wedding is well into next year. It feels small and far away next to not working.

So here I sit, listening to Bahamute sing 'The Sadder but Wiser girl for me' while we drop off keys and run errands on the way to his brother's place. It makes me feel better. He's very talented. I always like to hear him sing. Even when he sings the wrong lyrics of Bad Moon on the Rise, just to make me laugh.

I feel like I've let him down. He's worked in a job he's hated much longer than I did, without quitting. Then I up and leave. The responsible one, fiscally and in almost every other facet of life. The planner. The reliable one. I quit.

He's not a wild and crazy guy. He has plenty of responsibility too. But out of the two of us, I'm the one who keeps a level head and takes care of things. And now, I have nothing to take care of but the house and him. At least among my many plans, I planned for a loss of job, and saved accordingly. We won't starve or anything. Hell, we're going out to a movie tomorrow. I haven't touched the money in the bank yet. Hooray for self control.

So, here I sit, typing on a bumpy road, making lists of things I still need to do. Read the library books. Clean all the rooms n the house. Write the last f my NaNoWriMo words. Start a hot new line of horror for grade schoolers ALA Goosebumps and make millions.

That last one may be a bit optimistic. But I'm still gonna try.


  1. I know this is my solution to everything, but you should take a week(end?) and come visit me and see my bohemian writer's life in all it's glory.

    You will drive yourself crazy cleaning.

    1. That actually sounds really fun. Might be tough with Mack working holiday stuff, though. I'll try to work it out.
