College Humor, for those not in the know, is a satirical website aimed at 20-somethings (and anyone with a sense of humor). Below are five of my favorite videos, in no particular order. Enjoy!
5. Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends
Perfect for anyone who believes people should be treated with basic human dignity and rights, this video explores the consequences of denying homosexual unions. Granted, it's a few years old now, but the message is timeless.
4. The Adventures of Kim Jong Un
True Korea's honorable leader writes this magnificent cartoon himself. With the Robot Minister at his side, Kim Jong Un defends True Korea, the most prosperous and well-fed nation, from the decadent West. Enjoy! It's mandatory.
3. The Problem with Jeggings
Chicken Soup for the adult's soul (or anyone who doesn't dress like they need help), this series of videos explores youth fashion trends, as seen by old fogies. Side note: the red-haired guy is my favorite College Humor actor. He's hysterical.
2. If Google was a Guy
College humor and Google coming together in glorious parody. Ever asked an online question that was far too embarrassing to ask a doctor or librarian? Well, you can live-out the hypothetical awkwardness here. Part two is great as well.
1. How to Tie a Tie (a Beginner's Guide).
Being a woman, I have no need of ties. But the man-child in your life will appreciate this step by step guide explaining how society is disappointed with him. Perfect for first timers and people who never get invited anywhere.
5. Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends
Perfect for anyone who believes people should be treated with basic human dignity and rights, this video explores the consequences of denying homosexual unions. Granted, it's a few years old now, but the message is timeless.
4. The Adventures of Kim Jong Un
True Korea's honorable leader writes this magnificent cartoon himself. With the Robot Minister at his side, Kim Jong Un defends True Korea, the most prosperous and well-fed nation, from the decadent West. Enjoy! It's mandatory.
3. The Problem with Jeggings
Chicken Soup for the adult's soul (or anyone who doesn't dress like they need help), this series of videos explores youth fashion trends, as seen by old fogies. Side note: the red-haired guy is my favorite College Humor actor. He's hysterical.
2. If Google was a Guy
College humor and Google coming together in glorious parody. Ever asked an online question that was far too embarrassing to ask a doctor or librarian? Well, you can live-out the hypothetical awkwardness here. Part two is great as well.
1. How to Tie a Tie (a Beginner's Guide).
Being a woman, I have no need of ties. But the man-child in your life will appreciate this step by step guide explaining how society is disappointed with him. Perfect for first timers and people who never get invited anywhere.
Kiiiim Jong Uuuuuun!