Thursday, May 15, 2014

Five lunches I've eaten as an adult

Being a married adult who manages a place routinely host to dead people, you'd assume I had my life together.
Here's a list of my dietetic woes for your amusement.

5. Pizza (ordered in)

     Some days you just want something hot and fresh, but you can't go anywhere. Delivery pizza to the rescue! Even better when your boss is in and you HAVE to split because she can't eat everything and that smell is fantastic...

Four stars out of five. It's pizza.

4. Two day old shrimp in lobster sauce with fried rice
     Chinese dinner combos make idea work lunches. The eggroll and most of the meat are gone, but there's still a ton of fried rice to soak up the sauce. Maybe even a fortune cookie to go with it. Mm-mm!

Three and a half stars out of five. The faded glory from the previous days shows, and that stuff takes forever to heat.

3. Applesauce cup, cheese sandwich crackers, string cheese, and a lemon meringue pudding cup.
     Also known as 'Damnit, I though there was another frozen chicken sandwich' lunch. No main course is no problem, if done sparingly. I eat this about once a week, or whenever the groceries run low.

Rating: Two and a half stars out of five. It's so average.

2. Baloney sandwich on white bread, Simply Lemonade with Raspberry, and half a chocolate muffin.

     Otherwise known as the 'There was a seminar at work and I got the leftovers' lunch. Since I'm alone most of the day, there isn't a handy person to foist leftovers on. There's a bunch of frozen danishes in the freezer, along with some juice and the other half of that muffin. I'm sitting pretty!

Rating: Four and a half out of five. Tasty! But rare.

1. Nothing

     Sometimes there's nothing I like, but mostly I'm just not as hungry working a 6 hour shift. So, some days I don't eat until I get home? Healthy? Hell no. But it's the truth.

Rating: Zero stars out of five. By default.

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