Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Big news!

I just had a meeting with my boss. Maybe by the time this gets published, the contents of that meeting will be in effect. Maybe not. But none of my coworkers read this, so it shouldn't be an issue either way.

For anyone who doesn't know, I work part time as an office manager at a local funeral home. I'm part of a huge corporation, but locally managed with two other homes, each with a different name. My boss stopped in this morning to tell me there had been a reorg, and I prepared myself to get fired.

To my surprise, he's moving me from this home, the smallest and slowest of the three, to the one he works out of, our busy central hub. He told me I did a good job earlier in July when I worked there for a week while the current manager was on vacation.

It was the first praise I'd ever gotten from him.

So, what does this mean?

1. Same hours, different days.

Instead of working a cushy 10-4 five day a week two minutes from my home, I'll be working 9-5 four days a week fifteen minutes from my home. They want to keep my total hours the same due to Obamacare (he specified, not me), but need me during normal office hours. So, one day off a week. I don't know it it'll be the beginning or end or what, but hey, sounds good to me.

2. The current manager will move here.

She's also the HR person and has a lot of duties I don't, so this may help her get her work done while I take care of more boring day to day stuff like entering contracts, etc. The bossman hasn't told her yet, so there may be fallout. Keep your fingers crossed...

3. Free time is over.

When I work at my current location, there are many days I don't see another employee or even another person. There's only so much work I can do, which leads me to get this blog updated, work on my manuscripts, and generally fool around. That is OVER.

Am I sad? Not really. I'll get a whole weekday off, so I can catch up on the blog then if need be. If I have work to do, I won't think about slacking off. When I'm alone and bored the temptation is just too great. I learned that the other week when I was at the hub, and I worked quickly, quietly, and without internet distractions.

So, yes, I will keep blogging, hopefully getting my new ones out every day. It's going to be a big change, but overall, I'm excited!


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