Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Michael Brown: just the facts

These are the facts, as they stand. I don't need to explain to you the cries of racism and anti-police that are coming from both sides: anyone alive for the Trayvon Martin shooting will know what they are like. But for those who barely have time to skim the news, I've compiled a dossier.

Michael Brown was fatally shot by police on August 9th. The facts are sparse, but Brown's friend, who witnessed the shooting, says that he had his hands up, attempting to surrender. The officer claims that Brown was fleeing after stealing candy, and then attacked him near a vehicle.

The friend claims the police officer shot Brown, and when he was down shot him again. There are also reports of the body laying in the street for 4+ hours, uncovered.

We know a few things for certain:

  • Brown was unarmed.
  • He was shot 35 feet away from the vehicle that he supposedly attacked the officer in. The officer has not given explanation to why that is. "He said he was declining to disclose certain details because he didn't want to "prejudice" the case." says CNN.
  • There have been vigils, riots, and police in action in Ferguson Missouri, where this happened.
Here are some tweets/photos about the incident and the aftermath:

Bail and a legal fund has been established for those arrested during the protest/vigil/riots.

These are the bare bones facts. I hope it helps explain the what, when, where, how, and who of the situation.

I have yet to address the why.

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