Thursday, September 4, 2014

The smell

The embalming room is in the basement. I work on the first floor. Smells from dead bodies should not be an issue. But there are always exceptions to the rule.

This weekend, a director serviced a body decedent who died a month before he was discovered. In his house. After Michigan July. I won't repeat the description so you can sleep tonight, but maggots were the tip of the iceberg.

So yesterday and today, I have been enjoying the stench of industrial-grade cleaner with a subtle aftertaste of month-old dead body.


Do I win 'worst job of the moment'? Yes, unless you were the embalmer. *Shiver*

The smell isn't as bad as you'd think, thanks to the cleaner. I've smelled worse at other jobs: the stink of a rat rotting in a warehouse wall, swollen to the size of a groundhog was the worst. It's more the knowledge of what caused the smell.

This isn't a common occurrence, even in funeral circles.  The other directors were properly horrified by the whole thing. At least I'm not alone in that.

Hooray for corporate bonding. 

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