Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Five Favorite Freddy Quotes

Freddy Krueger is the star of my all-time favorite horror movie/series. Teens come and go, but Freddy is eternal.

And he can rock some shades.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from my favorite Nightmare Master

5. “This…is God.”

Freddy's first real line of dialogue from the first Nightmare is one of his best. After threatening Tina, the stricken teen whispers "Oh God."  Freddy, always ready with a witty rejoinder, holds up his glove and gives her a theology lesson. Perfect character intro.


This quote comes from the unappreciated Freddy VS. Jason. We often forget that he first targeted small children: this bit will will get you feeling bad for Jason Voorheis! It's also a fabulous capper to one of the best scenes in the film.

3. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nothing will ever kill me.

This quotes is from the worst of the NOES movies, Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. It accurately sums up most of the ways Freddy got killed in previous installments, and the futility of it all.  Even the worst movie in this franchise is funny, and Freddy delivers this line with such punch, you won't even care that  is one of the stars.

Seems about right.

2.“Rick. You little meatball."

Here's a rare double-whammy from NOES4: The Dream Master: Freddy tormenting his victim AFTER already killing him. He literally eats the head/soul of Rick right in front of his horrified sister. If that ain't evil, nothing is.


This line was so good they put it in NOES 2: Freddy's Revenge AND the master meta film Wes Craven's New Nightmare.

This line is delivered both times with impeccable Freddy-ness. The crux of the character is here: the demonic gate-keeper lording over his soon-to-be-dead charges. It's almost beautiful.

Sweet Dreams!

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