Monday, January 5, 2015

The best friend

I have no best friend.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I have a lot of great friends: I have my best friend from High School who I keep tabs on, and vice versa, but she lives in Iowa and has an active life of her own. I have my awesome brother in law who shares my love of Stephen King and terrible movies, but his best friend is a man he's know longer than me, and shares a better connection with (and is a friend of mine as well). I have my usual social group, and some people I see less than I like (but like more than I can say). I have a loving husband who I thank God for.

But none of them are my best friend.

None of us share that 'don't have to finish our sentences because we already know how they end' closeness. None of us have the 'stay up all night and talk about our TV obsession du jour (X-Files/Lone Gunmen, Sherlock, The Walking Dead, what have you).

None of my current (physical, meeting up most often) member of my friend group has ever called me their best friend.

I understand: most of them have best friends they made in high school, or in college, who shared special things with them I couldn't hope to match up to. It's not that they don't like me. I'm just not the closest friend.

It's been that most of my life. In elementary school when the students talked about 'student of the day', my most usual comment was 'RebeccaOTool is great because she's friends with everyone.' It wasn't until middle school that I developed the closeness and real best friend status that many of my peers already had. Now I find myself with another similar situation; I'm friends with everyone, and closest to no one.

It's a poor complaint, not to have a best friend among many close friends. My introverted nature doesn't help. I have a hard time gearing up for social events, and it's just getting harder as time passes. I have a harder time speaking my mind, for fear of shunning. I quell my passion as those I do call close either mock me, or gently tolerate it. But none share it. I haven't had that since my best friend and first writing partner left for the land over the bridge.

I think I'm past the stage in my life where that kind of friendship can grow.

It hurts when I hear a friend call another their best friend. I don't want pity, nor a wave of friends telling me how much I mean to them. I know I'm their friend. Their connection to another person doesn't erase mine to theirs. But the  realization that 'best friend' was an occupied slot for everyone else was a shocking one.

I want that closeness again. I want to be on another person's wavelength. I want to share 99% of the same interests, stupid conversations, giggling over our own world until sleep takes us.

But here I sit, typing my woes onto a computer instead of talking them out (aside from talking to my husband). I'm afraid it would come out wrong: an accusation instead of a plea. Or just a statement.

The new year is hours away. I will go into it with love, with my husband for the first time, surround by people I will laugh with, act with, play with.

But not with a best friend.

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