Thursday, February 5, 2015

I had a (bad) dream

You know those stress dreams I complain about having, and the normal nightmares I wasn't getting (until extremely recently)? Here's two of them!

  • Big cat

It's fall, and I'm standing in my driveway with my Mom. Across the street, way back in my neighbor's acreage, I see a mountain lion.

"Mom. Mom. Mom! MOM!" I shout. "Mountain Lion, look!"

She refused to look until it was much closer, then freaked out and we ran inside with it literally on our heels. A common theme in my nightmares and stress dreams.

  • The latest:

I'm playing hide and seek with my husband's stepdad while he cruises along in a van (not the scary part, it was a friendly game. Weird, but apparently normal in the world of the dream). We end up at a park that is supposedly haunted by a monster. There are circle little paintings of a purple face and the eyes and smile of Hugo Weaving in this pic:

We get to the bottom of a very steep hill where there's a dilapidated carriage house/covered bridge. We can see inside: just some benches and graffiti. A girl comes out screaming 'He's in there!' and runs away. We laugh and head in.

Inside, under the bench, a figure is crouched. It's this, but with the aforementioned face, and about eight feet tall and purple.
Sans ocean and feels.

We took off up the hill, but I feel behind. The thing grabbed me with it's claws a few times, but we escaped into the van. We drove away, totally freaked out, knowing no one would ever believe us. I started panicking, knowing I was going to have nightmares and mental scarring forever from the encounter.

When I woke up I was so happy it wasn't real I wasn't even scared anymore. So hooray!

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