Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Terrible Tuesday: The Threequel

Time for a blast from the Past: The Creeping Terror

Four your enjoyment, here's the whole thing with MST3K backing.

Old horror movies are a special treat. You have dated but influential fair like The Fly and the Thing from Another World. There are gems the general public may have forgotten like Freaks.

Then there's schlock.

Not that Schlock

Schlock is known by many names. Trash. Pulp. B-movies. Cheese fests. Mockbusters. But it all comes down to the same thing: a move that's so bad it's hysterical. And The Creeping Terror is a hoot.

The film involves the titular terror coming to to smalltown USA and eating a bunch of kids, Blob style. But where The Blob had legendary actors and groundbreaking effects, The Creeping Terror had a creature costume stolen, it's soundtrack fall into a lake replaced by narration, terrible acting, and a monster so poorly thrown together people have to throw themselves into the gaping maw.

All of this isn't scary, but it is an amazing attempt to cash in on the space monster craze of it's time. Worth a watch...at least with the bots and Mike.

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