Monday, December 23, 2013

A Green Christmas for me?

Or rather, a green post Christmas, perhaps. I have a possible job starting in January with a local school district, and an interview being set up with a local irrigation company in a week or so! I'm very excited about the 2nd one, as they reached out to me, and the location is closer. Here's hoping!

All I really want for Christmas is a new job. And this stylish piggy bank!

In other news, SAVING MR. BANKS is AMAZING.

I went with Bahamute and another friend. Bahamute and I cried. A lot. But it was good crying. He just sat there muttering 'Stupid Tom Hanks.' I said 'It's fine to cry if it's Tom Hanks. It's like how it's not gay if you're attracted to a 10 of your own sex. They're just so good, you can't help it.'

He didn't think that was as funny as I did.

Other than that, it's been pretty quiet around here. Today is gonna be a real house-wifey day: cooking and cleaning. Baking for Christmas, really. I have a super Jam-Thumbprint cookie recipe that I may share with you all in the near future.

Not much else to report. I'll have to do something more interesting today than a Narnia movie marathon.

Psst. Special kudos if you're here from my Tumblr: over 100 followers! :D

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with both interviews. And let this comment serve as proof that I do read your blog--sorry I never comment. Bad Em! :-(
