Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Five things we found while cleaning the kitchen

To those of you who have been in my home, you understand why this list exists. To anyone else, it's not a hoarders-level of  piled up terror, but only due to the efforts of my husband and myself. The third person living in our home is in therapy, but s/he still tends to accumulate. So, here's a short list of things found on 1 side of our tiny kitchen.

5. Fake flowers

A while back I was in The Rockey Horror (stage) Show. The third person in our house gave me a small bouquet of fake white roses with blood droplests and black stems. I thought it was pretty cool.
Almost this exactly.

Cut to 5ish years later. I have forgotten those roses existed. Yet in the picture window in the kitchen I found not only those, but several other sets of fake flowers. All got tossed, except the black roses. Those got put into a vase and moved to the living room.

4. Unused Sponges and Brillo Pads

Clean sponges found while cleaning? That's like finding a bonus life box in Sonic!
Damnit, I wanted a magnet shield.

Suffice to say, we put those little guys to work. Now we have a few less new sponges, but still more than when we started. So far, a net gain!

3. Bottles and cans

Not the returnable kind. The kind given by in-laws. The kind coated by syrupy messes that entrap unwary bugs as they pass by. The kind that shatter on the floor if you so much as accidentally nudge one the wrong way. The kind that make store brands look like the real deal.

Seems legit to me.

The next thing we found was the glass sliver in my foot. Ouch.

2. Paper

Paperwork, mail, napkins, paper plates, and post-it notes are not things that should be shoved into a window and forgotten about. Especially if there's semi-important marker scribbles all over them, or someone's social security number.

I will be identity-thefting Mr. Public shortly.

We took whatever looked the most important and shoved it into a box for the third person who lives in the house. They can sort through their own stuff. Just not in the kitchen

1. Pride

There are few feelings like walking into a formerly messy room and seeing it clean. My husband even showed it off to a friend when she came to visit that evening. It a big change.

As long as we avert our gaze from the other side...
"Do yourself a favor. Don't turn around."

"I told you not to turn around."

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever seen the counters in your kitchen...
