Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Trollhunter and gold mining

Trollhunter is a Norwegian found footage movie about hunting trolls.

No, wait, come back!


Alright then.

The movie is actually a lot of fun. Once you're past the subtitles, it's an enjoyable black comedy/horror movie. The troll effects aren't bad, and it draws a lot from classic mythology. The actors are mostly Norwegian comedians, nobody I recognized offhand.

Frankly, I started watching it thinking it was a bad SyFy SciFi movie. Glad I was mistaken. You can find it on Netflix, next to lesser fare such as Paul Bunyan Axe Giant and Mega Shark VS. Mecha Shark.

In fact, there are a few hidden gems in the Netflix horror section. Very very well hidden. Pontypool, a film about a radio DJ whose listeners are going crazy, is purportedly good. Chinese horror film Dumplings is also highly recommended, at least on Reddit.

I've plumbed the depths of Netflix before and come back with fools gold. Creature is one of the worst horror films I've seen, Sid Haig notwithstanding. It's not even so bad it's funny. Bad acting, confusing script, and one of the worst monster makeups in recent memory. Don't give it a look. As someone who loves bad movies, I warn you: Creature is NOT worth it.

Good and underrated movies that I've seen on Netflix? Dead Silence is very well done. It's by James Wan who was involved in the SAW franchise, as well as Insidious and The Conjuring. There are more noted in my backlog of posts, but this is newer and one of the best.

Bad horror movies? Anything about a shark, aside from Mission of the Shark. That is a fine military drama. Watch that! But, if you want crap, Two-Headed Shark Attack is so bad it's funny. Perfect riffing material.

I'll blog about more finds as they come. For now, it's off to the movies!

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