Monday, October 27, 2014

Five dumb Horror Protagonist quotes

Even the best and brightest horror movie heroes and heroines have an off moment. These are some of the dumbest things ever said in horror films.

5. “You’re not even scary!” (Freddy vs. Jason)

Freddy vs. Jason is chock-full of idiot teenagers, and Kia (played by Kelly Rowland) is no exception. She attempts to distract Freddy Krueger from slaughtering her friends with the aforementioned taunt. Taunting a teenager-slaughtering maniac is never a good idea, but this takes the cake.

Frankly, after that faggot remark, I'm not sad to see her go.

4. “It’s just a bunch of Hocus Pocus.” (Hocus Pocus)

When Max title drops, you know shit is about to get serious. And that's saying something, considering how wacky this film looks.

For anyone living under a rock, Max says this line right before lighting the black flame candle and bringing the youth-eating witches back to life. Winnifred (the boss witch) echoes the line mockingly just before they catch the little brat in the finale. Lesson here: never mock the supernatural on Halloween while lighting a candle made from the fat if a hanged man.

3. “This is battery acid. And now you disappear.” (It)

Dear sweet Eddy. He really thought the belief of childhood could carry over to being an adult. Sadly, the same tricks don't work. Eddy was...dead wrong.

"Thar pun wasn't even good enough for me, boys and ghouls!"

2. “It’ll work this time.” (Pet Sematary)

During Pet Sematary, a man loses his daughter's cat to a car, brings it back with an evil Pet Sematary, and then tries it on his son. When that doesn't work and his son kills his wife, he decides one more go is the best option. Against the advice of even a ghost, he just repeats "It'll work this time."

Spoilers: it does not.

1. “It’s only a ___ (toy, dream, story, etc)!”

SO many movies do this. The dismissive quote just before Chucky springs to life, or the demon grabs your girl, or Freddy stabs you. Declaring something is ONLY fiction is the surest ticket to death in ANY horror movie. 

So the next time you say 'It's only a bad dream!' ...don't.

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