Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Klown vs Clown

The two franchises responsible for my generation's fear of clowns are returning: The Return of the Killer Klowns From Outer Space in 3D in 2018 and Stephen King's IT in 2017.

So, why not sit down and compare these two disparate yet deliciously creepy franchises?

Outward appearance

Both Pennywise and the Klowns have colorful outward appearances. Gaudy neons and wild hair right out of the bigtop. The main difference between the two sets in their clown/klown form is that Pennywise looks like a person in clown makeup, and the Klowns have big thick lips, 'real' clown noses, etc.

One of the Klown's limiting factors is that they're not shape shifters; Pennywise can literally be anything in case you're not scared of clowns. Notable appearances include:

Old rotting lady/man.
Teenage werewolf
Big ol' spider.

I'd say the Klowns are ceepier in clown form, just based on looks alone. But when they open their mouths...


 Pennywise is played by Tim Curry, and has his illustrious voice. It's not even fair!

The Killer Klowns don't say much (I think the only word is 'Pizza' and repeating a character's name with another character's voice), and they're randomly extra high or low pitched. It's a little unnerving, but these things don't rely on that at all.

Powers and abilities

The Killer Klowns have ray guys that turn you into a cotton candy slurpee, different ray guns that stick you inside a balloon (for later), a vacuum truck to suck up the cotton candy cocoons, a huge space ship shaped like a circus tent (and filled with zany rooms and mazes), mallets, puppets, acid cream pies, and 'magic bags' for holding tricks. They're aliens and clowns; if you can name something one of those villains has, these guys have it.
Even the puppets are packin'.

They're also gifted ventriloquists.

Pennywise can lure in young kids, tell a half-decent joke, and, oh yeah, SEE THE APPEARANCE NOTE ABOVE. Also, it can possess people, plague you with dead kids, and hide itself from grownups. So...yeah, gonna give it to Pennywise again.

Plus whatever the hell this balloon attack is.

Who are they after?

One of the few similarities between fanchises is who they're after; both Klown and clown are sucking the life out of an entire town. Pennywise just gets more time to do it.

What the Killer Klowns lack in Stephen King endorsement, they make up for with Titus killing.

Where are they from?

Actually, both sets of red-nosed ravishers originally come from outer space. Pennywise is from OUTER outer space, actually. Like, outside our dimension. And now he lives in a sewer.
They all have renters insurance down here, Georgie.


The Killer Klowns can only be stopped by exploding their noses, and even then, you can only take 1 Klown at a time. Even their ship exploding didn't stop 'em, so humanity is doomed.
The Dickies say so.

Movie-verse Pennyswise is beaten with silver earrings and getting it's heart ripped out. So...yeah, giving it to the Klowns. I'd bring up the book, but you don't have an extra four hours for me to explain it.

So, what's my ultimate opinion on Pennywise vs the Killer Klowns? I like 'em both! Go watch them both!

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