Monday, March 6, 2017

I'm not so good with dead Dad movies

Spoilers for Logan ahead.

So, I saw Logan yesterday. And as I suspected, both Xavier and Logan died.

At one point in the movie Logan calls Xavier his Dad (as part of a cover up). Soon after, the Professor dies, killed by a Logan clone. When Logan is impaled by the same clone and dies, Laura (X-23) breaks down, calling him Daddy and full-on snot bubble crying. He dies sorta-happy, having felt familial love. Then Laura quotes Shane over his grave and the film ends.
Sorry, I need a moment.

So not 1 but 2 father figures bite it, killed by their metaphorical family. As most of my readers know (since I know most of you personally) my Dad died after a short, unexpected, brutal fight with a heart problem in 2009. I was with him when he died. I can't bring myself to talk much about it. The film Inception triggered me into surprised tears when Cillian Murphy's dad died in his dream, as it was so much like when mine did, minus the heartfelt speech. My Dad was incapable of speaking when he died.

I tried to get a picture, but it didn't work, and I'm not trying a second time.

Huh. The dad was played by Pete Postlethwaite. I like him. He's dead too, btw. Cancer in 2011.

Jesus, this is an uncomfortable blog.

The point is, I was still hit pretty hard. I'd have been sad no matter what, it was a great movie, and I'll miss Jackman's Wolverine. The character had a fantastic arc, even when his movies were only so-so. I get it; 17 years playing a part, you want to move on. And it was a fantastic finish.

The last time I had a movie hit me was The Good Dinosaur, which not only had a dead dad that was NOT in the ads, it had a scene where the Dad looks like he's back, and it's revealed to be a cruel trick of the mind. I've had that happen. IT IS




So, even after 8 years, I'm not so good with dead Dad movies. I don't know if I ever will be. But at least Logan was worth my tears. The Good Dinosaur wasn't.


Fuck that movie.

Trauma high five if you agree!

TLDR; Logan's good, I cried because I'm deeply traumatized, still 10/10. Fuck The Good Dinosaur.

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