Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Just repeat to yourself "It's Just a Show...


Okay, I may have mis-quoted.

So, the new MST3K episodes that I kickstarted are finally out. I've only watched the first 4 of 14 total episodes, but I'm enjoying them. Sure, all the old voices are gone, but literally, every single character has been recast or replaced at least one previously.

Yes, even Tom Servo.

Time will tell if the new host, Jonah, will measure up to Mike and Joel. I like him, but I don't see him becoming a host the fandom will go to war over, a la Joel vs. Mike.

The movies are the same level of schloch we're accustomed to, including (the only) Danish Kaiju flick...

A surprisingly racist bigfoot film...

A terrible sci-fi fluff piece...

And a disaster movie starring Rock Hudson and Mia Farrow.
Spoiler alert: it sucks.

They're in color, so that's a nice change. There's also a bunch of guest appearances, which I'm not going to spoil, but are totally worth it.

Frankly, this is at least as good as any of the Rifftrax Presents riffs, and fans of the riffing genera will probably like it. I urge you, if you have netflix, watch some of this great show.

And to whet your appetite, here's a sample of them riffiing the opening of Stranger Things:

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