Friday, July 28, 2017

The IT Spot: New Trailer!

Wednesday we were granted this trailer teaser:

Again, Pennywise does look creepy. But not enticing, which is missing a huge point of the character. That's how he got Georgie, which is pretty important as it's what kickstarts the whole 'Bill seeking revenge' aspect to the Loser's club.

So, we got the "real" trailer 7/27/17:

...I'm not sure how I feel. Much like the last time, I'm sure my opinion will change as I go over the individual images. What a fun journey for us all!

First, there's not as much new content as I expected. A lot of this footage/audio was displayed in the last trailer. Like, at least a third.

There were new things in the VO that revealed a bit: Mike talking about his Grandfather believing the town was cursed. That could mean the Black Spot incident doesn't have to be shifted timeline-wise (the original incident happening to his father, who in this timeline would be too young to have served in WWII). The change from father to grandfather isn't a huge deal, at least for me.

Yet another trailer, and no trace of Bill stuttering. I think it may have been trimmed (the audio seems to jump a little). I'm sure it sounds annoying, but not even a hint of it? The character is literally called 'Stuttering Bill.' It's the reason he's a even in the Loser's club. He needs to stutter.

Georgie's strangled, perhaps watery repetition of 'You'll float too' is also different. Probably just a gimmick for the trailer itself

 There are some images however, that bear further scrutiny. And by some, I mean A LOT. Here there be spoilers and speculation, so if you want my overall opinion jump to where it's safe below.

Eddie breaks his arm in the novel, so we can assume this is his cast. This is evocative of the scene at the end of the book, where the kids cut their palms and hold hands, making a blood pact to return if IT's not really dead. But their clothes look pretty clean if that's the case. It could be before they've gone in (I think it happened prior as well, minus the cutting), or it could have been 'cleaned' digitally.

The other main thing is the change on the case from Loser to LoVer. I'm assuming this is a nod to the infamous sex scene that will not (I hope) be included. There's no way, the film would be rated X if it was.

 I just like seeing the balloon float past the logos. Small touch, but nice. Wonder if that will be in the film proper?

 Here is a mashup of several things: Ben getting Henry Bower's H carved in his stomach, and Bev watching adults see their plight, and go by unseeing. I guess it makes sense to condense. However...

The balloon is a bit much. GET IT? IT IS THERE, AND EVIL! GET IT?!!

See those yellow Penny-Eyes up there (no damnit, I'm not sorry)?

See how they're now blue? That's a direct callback to the novel where Georgie almost takes off after seeing yellow, animal eyes in the sewer. He then 'realizes' the eyes are blue (like his father's), and is enticed to stay. A nice, subtle touch, and good attention to details.

I'm not sure if this is a callback to the book (I'm only 3/4 of the way through my reread), but it seems familiar. 

Not sure what this is, specifically. I think it may be from the scene where Bev's father (possessed by IT to an unusually high degree) tries to see if she's still 'intact' after running around with boys.

 Ah Eddie. You little shithead. This is another callback, as Pennywise gifted him a knife at one point.

Bill, giving a speech on the steps of the House on Neibolt street. Bill gave a LOT of speeches in the book.

A nice shot, but if Pennywise looked more 'normal' this would be much creepier.

I have no idea if this is a particular scene or not.

 It's good to see so much of the house on Neibolt street, looking so classically creepy.

Here Bill is saying "We will win." with Ritchie at his side. If you've been reading my IT spot rereading blogs, you'll know how important Ritchie is to defeating it, and how this is a great call-forward.

I'm not sure why Mike is leading the charge into IT's chamber, aside from him possibly being the fastest Loser (which is made clear in his entry to the Apocolyptic Rockfight).

Next  we see a montage of individual attacks on the losers. I believe they are as follows:

Mike, with the burned hands from the victims of The Black Spot. No longer Rodan, but with licensing issues, I can understand the condensation. Also, not as many kids in the 80s would know who that was, unlike in the 50s.

Stan, with the drowned, dead boys of the Standpipe (watertower). At least, I think that's Stan. It's hard to tell.

No idea, but it looks creepy.

I think this MAY be Patrick Hockstetter and his refrigerator of death. Those COULD be skins/the flying leeches that kill him. More on that in an upcoming IT spot.

Ben getting attacked by what seems to be mummy linens. The MummyIT never actually touched him, but okay, it's a movie, we've got to get visually appealing.

 Not sure which kid this is, but somebody is getting a whipping. It's most likely Stan, as IT almost got him several times, since he had the hardest time coping.

 Henry Bowers firing his gun (in vain, his friends all died in the sewers).

As for this scene, I'm not sure. This could be in the Neibolt house, though there's nothing like it in the book. I'm willing to forgive that, because it's really, really creepy.

We get some head-turning action (it's subtle, but it's there):

 And we have a...special appearance, I guess you'd say.


 Yep, that is the OG, Tim Curry Pennywise, just hanging out. Nice!

 Also, I can't see perfectly, but I think Ritchie's shirt says Freese, which was the toy store in Derry he got chased through by the Bower's gang, before almost being killed by Paul Bunyan.

And last, another shot of Pennywise being all creepy and shit. Much less creepy than other bits


So what do I think overall? Honestly, my opinion is still cautiously optimistic. Pennywise still looks too creepy at the outset, and Bill isn't fucking stuttering. But there are a lot of details that show the people in charge read the book, and care about the details.

It also doesn't hurt that Joe Hill, AKA one of my favorite authors, recently stated the movie is terrifying. Of course, being the son of Stephen King, he may be biased.

We'll just have to wait and see.



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