Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Twisted Ones (Spoiler free)

So, at long last, my hotly awaited review of The Twisted Ones.

*cricket noise*

I reviewed the first FNAF book, The Silver Eyes a while back. It was...fine. At worst, it was a mediocre Goosebumps novel, and at best, it was a better Goosebumps novel.

Not a lot of blood, but it had a few scares (very few), and characters that had more dimensionality than wet carboard. Most importantly, it fleshed out some of the lore of FNAF, which was all I really wanted.

Enter The Twisted ones, the middle of the trilogy (as Scott Cawthon has stated). Charlie, the survivor girl, is dealing with the fallout from book 1, while new murders crop up.

Some perpetrated by this thing!

This book is an improvement on The Silver eyes. There's more deaths, more gruesome imagery, and several new twists that are enjoyable to read.

The book does end on a cliffhanger, though, with nothing really tied up at the end. Cawthon has stated there is a third book in the works, but this book suffers a lot for not tying up anything. I get that a trilogy midpoint is there to set up the third installment, but you've got to tie up SOME things, or it just feels like a 'screw you' to the audience.

No word at this time on when the third book will be published, or even it's title. I'm sure I'll pick it up (this installment was only $5, and worth at least that), but I just wish there were any answers in this one, and not just a lot of set ups.

It is very FNAF to leave us with more questions, though...

And in liue of answers, here's another piece of Twisted Chica fanart. It's scarier than the book.

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