Thursday, July 24, 2014

Five interesting Ask Reddit Threads

I've recently become a Redditor, which seems to be a glorified message board. Some of the more interesting topics are found in the Ask Reddit section. You can get lost reading these. Be warned!

5. What GIF makes you die of laughter everytime (sic) you see it?
This is just the FIRST one. From Redditor Pancakebanana.

4. What is the strangest true fact about the universe that we typically don't consider everyday?
From Redditor GizzardGullet: "...if you are an average-sized adult you will less than 7 X 1018 joules of potential energy—enough to explode with the force of thirty very large hydrogen bombs...
― Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything"

3. What is the most incorrect piece of information a teacher has ever told you? 
From Redditor PM_ME_FURRIES (I'm not here to judge) "That a fly can walk on walls due to the gravitational force of the wall. Everything has 'gravity', and the fly is small enough that it gets affected by this gravity.
I actually believed this for a while"

2. Which fictional character would be immediately fired from their job if they lived in the real world?
Overwhelmingly, Homer Simpson. I can't even pick one response, they're all fantastic.

1. What's a warm fluffy truth?
From Redditor thelaststripe "Baby puffins are called "pufflings" Awwww!

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