Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Five things that are NOT horror

I'm a huge horror fan. I've read 90% of Stephen King's books, waded through seas of crappy short story collections to find gems, and own 150+ horror movies.

So when I see people continue to post, write about, or draw things that aren't even CLOSE to scary and call it horror, I've got a little problem. Here's a few things that keep popping up on my radar.

5. Black Cats

"But Rebecca," you say, knowing the text I always put in these scenarios "Black cats are classic Halloween icons! They go with witches and brooms and Hocus Pocus!"
Thackery Binx, fighting off virgins since 1993.

I'm not about to argue that black cats aren't associated with horror. But this:

Not horror. Barely a passing grade in an art class. And yet, when I look through horror posts, this lil cutie is the tip of the ice burg.
Damn you.

4. The moon

I understand this: night time is when the monsters usually come out, so the moon is a prominent figure in horror writing. But by itself, it's NOTHING.

You want a scary moon? PUT SOME EFFORT INTO IT!
Was that so hard?!

3. Clouds


Sorry, this is a hard list for me. I take my horror seriously, and....FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LOOK AT THAT!

Okay, I'm cool operator. Okay.

GH---Nope. Moving on.

2. Eyes

Eyes can be very scary. But a normal eye, no matter how wide, is NOT scary.
For dry, red eyes, Cleareyes!

An eye gouged out? Sure. A bleeding eye? Bring it on! Maggots infesting the sockets of...

Wow, I have some serious issues.

1. Weapons

Again, I understand the connections. Weapons are made to hurt. But by themselves, they are NOT horror. Just like putting the words "Shark Attack at" in front of a movie doesn't make it a scary movie, slapping the word zombie on a knife doesn't make it horror. Or a good knife.


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