Friday, May 10, 2013

Star Trek is coming

I've spent the better part of the last six months watching the complete Star Trek TOS, the first six movies, and the reboot/prequel/sequel that came out in 2009. Now, as a bonified Star-Trek fan, I'm going to see a new Star Trek movie with understanding of all the cannon that went before hand.

I'm a little worried.

They look calm, though. Kinda evil, but calm.

I still loved the  reboot/prequel/sequel after watching TOS. But what if now there's some obscure detail that ruins everything? "Mr. Spock would never cry like that!" or  "Bones would KNOW if it was a space STD!"


Will knowing more about Star Trek, well...ruin Star Trek 2.0? I'm not a Trekkie, by any means: I don't have the titles of episodes memorized, or know the layout of the decks of the Kirk-Era Enterprise, or know what brand of whisky Scottie likes best. But I do really enjoy the show. 

Granted, things that are different in the new universe are things I accept, and even enjoy. Spock/Uhura? Sure. It's no Spirk, but hey, this is a different timeline, and things change.


I love the new actors too. Simon Pegg's Scottie is pure brilliance. Here's hoping he plays Ant-Man too.

He's cool! Really! REALLY!

Worst of all, what if I hate it not because it doesn't live up to the original standards of Star Trek, but because it's just a bad sequel? Hell, every other Star Trek movie is bad, and the reboot/prequel/sequel was good, crap.

Still waiting with baited breath. Because it's Still Star Trek, it's still a great cast, and J.J. Abrams is the man. Until then...Great Gatsby, anyone?
 Remember this? Wha...what do  you mean, no? In High-school, you read it. No seriously. I swear. I don't care if you remember, you did! C'mon guys, this is why English Majors are dying out!

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