Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"My Haunted House", or the pleasures of pet sitting

Last weekend I pet/house sat for a couple of friends. I've sat at their house before with little issue: they have two dogs (who I love!) and several birds (which I despise but didn't have to deal with aside from noise).

As they have Netflix and Cable TV, my viewing options while I whiled away the hours were endless. However, I have an aversion to trying to learn people's entertainment setups. Or, as I so often cry out "I can't work your fricken moon technology!"


I opted to stick to cable.

Funny thing about cable on Friday and Saturday nights: there's sports, bad movies, The Golden Girls, and paranormal shows. That's it. Granted I love the Golden Girls (I marathoned it TWICE during my stay), but I can only take so much laugh track.

Being a geek, paranormal was where it's at. After the Girls went off the air I settled in with the dogs and watched show after show of ghost hunting, monster spotting, badly reenacted weirdness.

 When it comes to normal TV you're lucky to find a UFO special at 2AM. Back in the day we had 'Beyond Belief, Fact or Fiction' and John Edwards. Ugh.

                                                            Never have South Park and I agreed so much.

So I should be overjoyed by the abundance of choices. Ghost stories. Ghost hunters. Ghost Busters. Celebrity encounters.

The problem is it all blends together. By the time the new show 'My Haunted House' premiered, I was jaded. The chick on The Dead Files has crazy eyes. The reenacter from Monsters and Mysteries in America was so vapid I fell asleep.

The real draw of these shows is the feeling you get when you're all alone in an unfamiliar house and the darkness is closing in. During the day the cheesy Danny Elfman style music and slick graphics are laughably bad.

                                         You are now playing the theme in your head. You're Welcome!

At night, it becomes REAL. Or it did for me, for a few minutes at a time. Usually a commercial break broke me out of my fright as soon as it happened. Hard to be scared when a Cyalis ad comes along.

So, to these shows overall, do I give a yea or nay? Well, it all depends. If you're with friends and want something to laugh at (with a small chance of actually being horrified), it's a good time. If it's the middle of a lovely summer day and you're all alone, SKIP IT. The value will be lost on you, I promise.

                                                              Mmm, that's cheap graphics!

And, on the off chance you're actually experiencing something paranormal and want some advice from these people: STOP. Read a book. Post on Facebook. Call a local team (legit ones won't change for their services). Chances are you know somebody who has experienced something similar and can give you tips.

And whatever you do, DON'T call the Dead Files. Those people will find out what's haunting you, but they won't offer advice besides "Call the Church." I can do that myself, thank you.

                                                                         So legit!

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